x86 (and x86_64) processors have single-byte NOP instructions and various multi-byte NOP-like instructions. Real-world compilers sometimes use multi-byte NOPs for code alignment and performance optimization purposes. Capstone seems to fail when encountering unusual multi-byte NOPs. Other x86 instruction decoders like Zydis, ICED, and XED can translate the byte sequence "0x0f 0x1a 0xde" into NOP.
Work environment
git clone
, default onnext
branch.Instruction bytes giving faulty results
Expected results
It should be:
Steps to get the wrong result
:Additional Logs, screenshots, source code, configuration dump, ...
x86 (and x86_64) processors have single-byte NOP instructions and various multi-byte NOP-like instructions. Real-world compilers sometimes use multi-byte NOPs for code alignment and performance optimization purposes. Capstone seems to fail when encountering unusual multi-byte NOPs. Other x86 instruction decoders like Zydis, ICED, and XED can translate the byte sequence "0x0f 0x1a 0xde" into NOP.