captainwasabi / topologrjs

An AREDN Mesh network topology viewer
The Unlicense
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styles #31

Open mathisono opened 2 years ago

mathisono commented 2 years ago

I still generate imagery every few hours on our mesh. Link attached

Control over the styles with in this library is needed. The default generation here in this code generates a small and unusable image. 2022-4-19

mathisono commented 2 years ago

exportNet BAM.json.txt

captainwasabi commented 2 years ago

The image that you posted from qsl. What did you use to generate that?

What format is it in and what formats can it export to?

I guess what I am trying to figure out is if this can output a format that I can ingest and use for layout, although I don't think the links will ever recurve, but at least the nodes would get spread out and colored.

mathisono commented 2 years ago

The original code was passed down from hsmm. I had to enlarge the scale too keep the image detailed with large topography.

code for thought....

I run the .pl code with:

sudo perl /home/pi/gray/scripts/ --server w6bb-rfs-ns5-sfbay.local.mesh --noshow --resolv --usedig --size 150,150 --linecolor --linewidth --dedupe

mathisono commented 2 years ago

captainwasabi commented 2 years ago

I am passingly familiar with that perl code. It was my "inspiration" in that, ewww perl. ;) Taking your idea of "styles" which might be a next step in this, after a little research it seems that the imagemagik layout engine can produce dot format files with the additional layout information as output too. I can definitely ingest the dot file and grab the layout info from it.


mathisono commented 2 years ago

I enjoy the Pearl script... I have thousands of images generated by it! The down side is, no way to interact with the information. Its just an image! Valuable for a visual trace, but you cant click on any thing. The placement is arbitrary. Mesh map ties the information to a Map with a physical location on a map. I dont much care about location, but network health & structure is useful. Visual identification of DTD , tunnel , and RF links are key. Getting he polled information out of the nodes makes the graph useful and not just aesthetic. breaking out the links on ch 171, or a visual display of the trace route. getting vis-network to display big and small networks would make this usable. I of core would like like send a url request and then receive a high-ris image in return.

captainwasabi commented 2 years ago

If the node you are on has an internet connection and a mesh connection, I'm pretty I can make it just work. It pulls the data from http://localnode.local.mesh, so as long as that resolves you'll get the data. I'll have to make the front end actually grab the information rather than passing it from the node.js server. In face maybe I can get rid of the node server all together. (hmm, this will break my dev setup at the moment though. but it's a good thought I'll enter as an issue)





captainwasabi commented 2 years ago

Try the new version. Watch the video here.