captcha-com / angular-captcha

BotDetect CAPTCHA: Angular Captcha Module (TypeScript: Angular 2/4/5/6/7/8+).
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The requested captchaStyle 'yourFirstCaptchaStyle' is not defined in the botdetect.xml! #7

Closed ibtissambth closed 3 years ago

ibtissambth commented 3 years ago

Hey, I use angular-captcha with angular frontend and spring backend. I did all the steps defined in but when I call my-api-endpoint/simple-captcha-endpoint?get=html&c=yourFirstCaptchaStyle its gives me the followeing error

{ "timestamp": "2021-02-08T00:37:14.011+0000", "status": 400, "error": "Bad Request", "message": "The requested captchaStyle 'yourFirstCaptchaStyle' is not defined in the botdetect.xml!", "path": "//simple-captcha-endpoint" }

here is my botdetect.xml file content : <?xml version="1." encodi0ng="UTF-8"?> `<botdetect xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

yourFirstCaptchaStyle yourFirstCaptchaUserInput


did I miss something ? thanks in advance

ibtissambth commented 3 years ago

I dont know why I get this error just when working on https domain, but not on http://localhost

ibtissambth commented 3 years ago

"BDC_configFileLocation", "/WEB-INF/classes/botdetect.xml");

The path /WEB-INF/classes/botdetect.xml worked for me

botdetect-support commented 3 years ago

Where is botdetect.xml located? In the /WEB-INF/folder of your app, or in the /resources/ folder?

If it is in /WEB-INF/folder, please try to move it to /resources/ folder, and configure the path to botdetect.xml in the following way:

public class YourAppBackend {


    public ServletContextInitializer initializer() {
        return new ServletContextInitializer() {

            public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
                    "BDC_configFileLocation", "/resources/botdetect.xml");

Hope this helps.