capyvara / brazil-civil-registry-data

Raw scrapings of ARPEN
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2019 data in covid-specific files? #8

Open JennieLavine opened 3 years ago

JennieLavine commented 3 years ago

Hi Marcelo,

Thank you so much for providing this valuable resource! I noticed that in the file "civil_registry_covid_cities_detailed.csv" there are deaths listed for 2019, but of course COVID wasn't around in 2019. Do you have any idea why that might be? I know you are not the curator of these data, just thought you might have some easily available insight.

A little about myself, in case you're curious: I am an infectious disease researcher and epidemiologist working on understanding the transition of SARS-CoV-2 to endemicity (e.g., see our latest paper I am currently working through hypotheses as to what may be causing the second wave in Manaus and having age-stratified excess mortality data would be hugely useful. Getting a better grasp on the details here may be of great import.

Thanks for any insight you might be able to provide!

With gratitude, Jennie Lavine

capyvara commented 3 years ago

Hi Jennie, sorry for some reason I've not been notified of this issue.

You mean there are covid-19 deaths in 2019 ? I did a quick query here and it says zero deaths at 2019 but I'm be doing something wrong.

If you meant any kind of deaths, it's supposed to have it since the portal provides natural causes of deaths, I've updated the README to make it clear.