by setting insert_size=350 according to the information found in Illumina website.
To test the correctness of sam files, I used picard ValidateSamFile and I got the following error for all the reads:
ERROR::INVALID_REFERENCE_INDEX:Record 54, Read name r00000000026/2, Mate Reference sequence not found in sequence dictionary.
A similar error raised when trying to convert sam to bam file:
samtools view -bS rRACES_Normal_20X_Paired/chr_22.sam > rRACES_Normal_20X_Paired/chr_22.bam
[W::sam_parse1] unrecognized mate reference name "r00000053053/2"; treated as unmapped
I also simulated single reads without specifying the insert_size and the sam validation did not give me any error.
I tried to simulate the sequencing of paired-end reads in the following way:
by setting
according to the information found in Illumina website. To test the correctness of sam files, I usedpicard ValidateSamFile
and I got the following error for all the reads:A similar error raised when trying to convert
file:I also simulated single reads without specifying the
and thesam
validation did not give me any error.