carbocation / go-instagram

Go library for accessing Instagram REST and Search APIs
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Geography Subscriptions #6

Closed geraldstanje closed 9 years ago

geraldstanje commented 9 years ago


is there recently changed something in the instagram's Real-time Photo Updates?

when i subscribe to a location i cant get all the updates for some reason...

for this location: curl -F 'client_id=f2722885978d466c8e67d89396eb3fb4' \ -F 'client_secret=6b89751ee5df43728f5e7d7d2ff05de4' \ -F 'object=geography' \ -F 'aspect=media' \ -F 'lat=40.727058' \ -F 'lng=-74.036807' \ -F 'radius=5000' \ -F 'callback_url=' \

i used to get 50 photo updates per its like 2-6....any idea about this? can you test this?

carbocation commented 9 years ago

Can you clarify whether this is go-instagram specific or whether this is a general issue that affects all clients, including curl requests?

geraldstanje commented 9 years ago

i only see this with go-instagram...was there a recent update on the instagram api?

carbocation commented 9 years ago

I don't have inside knowledge re: the Instagram API. Have you always seen this with go-instagram or is this a new change?

Keep in mind that the RealTime request must be responded to within 2,000 milliseconds or the connection will drop. But if the connection is not dropping and you are just getting fewer results, that is more perplexing.

If the library used to get you all the results but no longer is doing so, I would run git bisect within this library's folder on your local machine to see if there is a change that was committed to this library that causes the problem.

If the library never got you all the results, I would examine the HTTP packets to make sure that you're sending and receiving expected data.

It's a bit hard to know what to make of decreased data coming through the RealTime API because there is no consistent test that can be running through it.

geraldstanje commented 9 years ago

could you test the location subscription on your side for the lat long i posted? testing it on your machine would already give some inside for you need a quick example to run? i posted the lat, long and radius...

this worked fine like 4-6 months i tried to test it again....and i recognize it doesn't behave as before...

geraldstanje commented 9 years ago

i did my debugging...seems instagram aggregates more data now before sending a real time POST request to the callback URL!?

carbocation commented 9 years ago

For high-volume realtime stuff, there is the chance that several items will be POSTed at once. I'm going to close this ticket as it sounds like an issue on Instagram's end, rather than an issue with this library. Thanks!

geraldstanje commented 9 years ago

was an issue of instagram: