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Variable Margin on top of Market Protocol - How to collaborate with DyDx or BzX or DDex #10

Open tzhan28 opened 5 years ago

tzhan28 commented 5 years ago

dydx问题1 dydx贷出来的token能否自由流通 dydx不能直接对接,但暂时不会成为主要障碍,问题类似erc20 vs 721问题,在erc20外面又包了一层,所以别的交易所没法交易。 可以做个类似makerdao的机制,eth押着,dai可以交易,dydx可以做差不多的事情。 Market mint的币肯定可以在dydx内流转,但是不能进入别的交易所。token在dydx合约地址里面。

dydx问题2 market合约到期分红给dydx合约就懵逼了 jie:有一招,到期前先全都平仓,尤其是带有dydx的market 合约token。需要对手方配合


Dydx question 1: Can tokens borrowed from dydx freely float? Dydx cannot directly integrate with Market Protocol at the moment, but it may not be a significant roadblock. This may be the ERC 20 vs. ERC 721 issue, wrapping ERC20, so cannot be freely traded outside of other exchanges. We may be able to build a MakerDao like mechanism: collateralized ETH, tradable DAI. We can achieve something similar with dydx. Tokens minted with Market can definitely be used within dydx, but cannot be used in other exchanges. Token locked inside dydx smart contract address.

Dydx question 2: When contract tokens minted via Market smart contract settles and sends payoff to dydx, it becomes problematic, because dydx smart contract will not be able to tell what these tokens are for. Jie: we may be able to close position prior to expiration, especially contract tokens held by dydx. But this requires counterparty to cooperate.

We should contact dydx team regarding this issue, liquidity within dydx ecosystem is valuable. We should also follow up with the margin trading solution ddex is working on.

CarboClanC commented 4 years ago

Should also take a look of bzx. Scaler market Augur 2.0 choose to integrate bzx for margin lending.