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A Comprehensive DeFi Risk Frame Work for the Interdependent systems? #75

Open CarboClanC opened 4 years ago

CarboClanC commented 4 years ago

DeFi microcosm is much greater than the sum of its parts. What are the relevant frameworks we can leverage to evaluate smart contract risk AND financial risks associated with highly interdependent DeFi stack?
We should not made the same mistake we have made in the past in traditional financial markets in assuming independence of underlying shocks. Even if we understand every single line of code in every single system, how can we know how would they interact? How would the edge case in one system's smart contract design translate into financial tail risk in another? Just some food for thought...

anthonyleezhang commented 4 years ago

Writing down a few thoughts from a discussion I had with @CarboClanC :

jasonge27 commented 4 years ago

The interaction between agents in the Defi stack can be simulated since the dynamics are strictly codified. If the agents are bots with a certain strategy (policy function), we can train the policy function so that the bots try to "unbalance" the system. Given enough computational power, the bots should be able to learn how to find the financial black swan just like how OpenAI trained its bots to play 5v5 Dota. This simulation was not possible with traditional finance because credit risk is hard to evaluate -- if my counter-party goes bankrupt, they may default on their contracts with me. Defi hopefully eliminates credit risk and makes tail events more predictable.

anthonyleezhang commented 4 years ago

I don't really buy this argument.

anthonyleezhang commented 4 years ago

And let me emphasize, I am not saying the system is fundamentally broken, or that doing simulations is useless, I am just saying it would maybe be good to be over-careful and not to trust our models too much, because historically (in traditional finance) models and simulations haven't worked well in extreme situations. Best to have an overabundance of caution. The design of, e.g. DAI I think is going in the right direction by over-collateralizing by large amounts. I am basically throwing out the idea of doing more kinds of "what if" scenarios, and perhaps looking into creating "panic buttons" triggered by large collapses that allow breaking/relaxing/changing the rules in extreme situations.

jasonge27 commented 4 years ago

I agree that market dynamics are not easy to be simulated. I think my point is that the black swan events for DeFi may be more easily found via simulation than the traditional financial market because there's no counter-party risk here. Counterparty risk event such as Lehman Brothers bankruptcy was hard to predict but turned out to be a key event. But I agree that counter-party risk may not be the real bottleneck for simulating black swan events.

The unpredictable human behavior is indeed another factor but it's a bit off-topic. Bots that are initialized with a random policy (maybe with some panic mode or risk aversion / other behavioral finance models) could be a starting point for modeling such market behavioral. It's limited by the model space of the simulation mechanism and should not be trusted as a "safety guarantee" as @anthonyleezhang argued.

Finding black swan may be too hard a problem to start with. What're the lower hanging fruits now in this area? Is there a better framework for the stress test and risk management for DeFi?

mindaoyang commented 4 years ago

Actually, there are 'last resort lenders’ in DeFi setups today, in the case the DAI, the last resort fall back to MKR holders, ie to recap the system in the event of Global Settlement, similarly, dForce token holder also will step in the recap the system, in the event USDx encountering black-swan events, the issues could arise for those protocols without any platform token embedded in the system to safeguard the platform.

A bigger and more unpredictable risks are from those interdependent components, i.e over-reliance on Maker's ETH oracle could trigger cascading risks among interconnected protocols and smart contract risk is certainly next to watch.

In traditional finance, risks are quite easy to ring-fence, thus handled, but not in DeFi, where most contracts are not expected to have exit hatches or brakes, it could amplify the network effect of black-swan risks. Maybe there will be protocol or framework developed for ring-fencing interdependence risks, like DeFi's own BASEL protocols.

anthonyleezhang commented 4 years ago

Thanks @mindaoyang , I don't have super great knowledge of DAI's structure or others. I basically agree that the network of interdependencies creates risks that are opaque and hard to understand. (I think this is a problem with any system with multiple components that evolves organically, I don't think we understand the network of cascading risks in traditional finance perfectly either)

jclancy93 commented 4 years ago

Super interesting discussion, thanks for pinging me @CarboClanC.

Finding black swan may be too hard a problem to start with. What're the lower hanging fruits now in this area? Is there a better framework for the stress test and risk management for DeFi?

I agree with this. Finding black swan risks is something the traditional financial system still struggles with. No model is perfect and there is always going to be some level of model risk. However, I don't think that means we shouldn't attempt to better model and understand these systems.

As DeFi continues to grow, there will be many users of these systems that are unable to understand all of these interdependent risks. There will also be financial products offered that make different risk-reward tradeoffs. One of the responsibilities of the people developing and pushing these systems forward is to better communicate and mitigate risks to users.