carbon-budget-explorer / cabe

Web application to explore carbon budgets
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 0 forks source link

Referencing and licence of the tool #124

Open MarkMDekker opened 7 months ago

MarkMDekker commented 7 months ago

To discuss tomorrow. @Peter9192

Peter9192 commented 7 months ago

Peter9192 commented 7 months ago
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cff-version: 1.2.0
title: Carbon Budget Explorer
message: >-
  Web application to visualize countries' carbon emission
  pathways under various views on fairness.
type: software
  - given-names: Peter
    family-names: Kalverla
    affiliation: Netherlands eScience Center
    orcid: ''
  - given-names: Stefan
    family-names: Verhoeven
    affiliation: Netherlands eScience Center
    orcid: ''
  - given-names: Mark
    family-names: Dekker
    affiliation: Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
    orcid: ''
repository-code: ''
url: ''
abstract: >-
  Many countries commit to rapid climate action, but their
  ambitions don't add up to reach the Paris goals. It is not
  trivial to define which countries should do more. This is
  a matter of fairness. But what is fair in this context?
  Should rich countries mitigate more, because they have the
  means to do so? Or the countries that have emitted a lot
  in the past? Clearly, there is no single answer, because
  it depends on what you think is fair. However, these
  principles can be quantified. The Carbon Budget Explorer
  allows navigating through the implications of different
  views on fairness. 
  - Climate change
  - Carbon budget
  - Fair shares
  - Climate policy
license: Apache-2.0