carbon-data-specification / Customer-Data

This repository is dedicated to the Customer Data Working Group
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Create server discovery spec draft ("Server Metadata") #15

Open daniel-utilityapi opened 2 years ago

daniel-utilityapi commented 2 years ago

This is the specification describing how customer data sources (e.g. utilities) disclose what standardized functionality they offer.

halliecramer1 commented 2 years ago

This is great! I'm excited to dig more into the "capabilities" piece.

For infrastructure types - is it worth considering customers with assets or load at the transmission level, e.g. datacenters or RE projects, and having a distinction between TSO and DSO? Or would the TSO information come from the DSO communicating with the TSO to pull that information?

ideas for customer data [cdsc-wg1-03]: meter location (of load source or RE), timestamp, consumption or generation, flags for DR notifications, TOU rate mapping - requires authorization of data owner for associated meter but that would be done through oauth capability, not customer_data capability? If production is part of green tariff, how is it allocated across customers?

ssuffian commented 2 years ago

This looks really good and reads really clearly. Excited to get more into the details regarding the Customer Data spec. Hallie's comments have me wondering where the line is between the Power System Data Working Group and this one. Would utilities be willing to provide the node that a customer is on, so that it could get linked to the Power System data?

Also a small typo under "Metadata Endpoint" Server metedata -> Server metadata

daniel-utilityapi commented 1 year ago

Discussed the example at the 2022-08-25 meeting

daniel-utilityapi commented 1 year ago

An update, I finally got an initial draft of the specification done.

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