carbon-data-specification / Customer-Data

This repository is dedicated to the Customer Data Working Group
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Proposed Design Principles #22

Closed daniel-utilityapi closed 1 year ago

daniel-utilityapi commented 1 year ago

This is the initial draft of a proposed set of specification design principles for the Customer Data specifications.

Relevant issue:

View these Design Principles on the maintainer's website:


Approved by

eloifabrega commented 1 year ago

Reviewed this and looks good to me. Thank you!

greg-flexidao commented 1 year ago

The design principles are well-structured and comprehensive. However, I would suggest adding one more design principle: "Be Adaptable." This principle would emphasize the need for the specifications to be flexible and adaptable to changes in the energy and carbon accounting sectors, as well as evolving technologies and requirements. Given the relative inflexibility and low agility of the energy sector software infrastructure once deployed, I believe its an important one.

Here's a proposed outline for this additional suggested principle:

Principle 4: Be Adaptable

The energy and carbon accounting sectors are constantly evolving, with new technologies, methods, and requirements emerging frequently. To ensure the longevity and relevance of our specifications, we must design them to be adaptable and responsive to changes in these sectors.

Build in extensibility

Design our specifications to support extensibility, allowing for the addition of new features and functionality over time without requiring significant changes to existing implementations. This includes using modular designs and providing clear guidance on how extensions can be integrated into the core specifications.

Encourage feedback and contributions

Promote an open and inclusive community that encourages feedback and contributions from a wide range of stakeholders. By actively soliciting input and engaging with different perspectives, we can ensure that our specifications remain relevant and useful in a changing landscape.

Regularly review and update

Establish a process for regular review and updates to the specifications to ensure they remain aligned with the latest developments in the energy and carbon accounting sectors. This includes monitoring changes in related standards and best practices, as well as incorporating feedback from the user community.

Let me know what you think. Thanks!

daniel-utilityapi commented 1 year ago

@greg-flexidao Thanks for the proposed new section. I agree that it's good to add adaptability as a principle. Fixed in

daniel-utilityapi commented 1 year ago

In 2023-05-11 meeting, consensus achieved to merge these design principles! Hooray!

mcgeeyoung commented 1 year ago

WattCarbon has reviewed this and approves.