carbon-data-specification / Customer-Data

This repository is dedicated to the Customer Data Working Group
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[Specification] CDSC-WG1-03 - Customer Data #26

Open daniel-utilityapi opened 3 months ago

daniel-utilityapi commented 3 months ago

This is the initial draft of a proposed specification for utility servers to publish customer data.

Relevant Issue:

NOTE: This is a draft in progress (see "TODO" throughout the draft) and will continue to be developed and modified based on feedback and comments in this pull request and during meetings

See a rendered preview of this specification on the maintainer's branch:


This specification is under active development, so it will be merged when complete and reaching consensus among working group participants.

eloifabrega commented 2 months ago

Hello, one general suggestion regarding how we account for production data within the specs. For independent power producers or suppliers (+utilitites), it might be interesting to have an endpoint just to account for the different data sets that they can provide linked to production data (forecasts, SCADA/telemetry meter data, and the revenue grade).

Having suppliers onboarded to the specs and becoming servers, will allow them to have one solution for all and not build processes depending on clients' demands, therefore optimizing their operations.

We could have a list of projects with the characteristics, and then have the usage segments for the meters in each project.

Production Projects Endpoint

{ "production_projects": [ { "cds_productionproject_id": "55555555-55", "cds_created": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z", "cds_modified": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z", "contract_start_date": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "contract_end_date": "2030-01-01T00:00:00Z", "meter_number": ["55555555-55_1","55555555-55_2","55555555-55_3"], "available_formats": ["settlement", "scada","forecast_day_ahead", "forecast_hour_ahead" ], "contract_rule": "100%", "contract_type": "PPA", "available_reading_validity": ["contracted", "total_gross", "net_metering"] "timezone": "America/New_York" ], },

Then we could use the usage segments endpoint structure for the readings. With the different formats listed here per meter_number.

Happy to hear your thoughts, then we can see how to better improve this to add in in the specs.