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This is an update to the Use Cases page on the website, where we disclose which overall use cases we want to address through the specifications this working group writes.
Creating this draft is part of issue #5. We will discuss this pull request as part of the 2022-03-03 working group meeting, and participants not able to attend are encouraged to make comments in this pull request or inline in the pull request's "Files changed" tab.
A pretty, rendered version of the proposed Use Cases is also available on my maintainer's branch.
Thanks everyone!
Deadline for comments: Thursday, March 17, 2022 (2022-03-17)
This is an update to the Use Cases page on the website, where we disclose which overall use cases we want to address through the specifications this working group writes.
Creating this draft is part of issue #5. We will discuss this pull request as part of the 2022-03-03 working group meeting, and participants not able to attend are encouraged to make comments in this pull request or inline in the pull request's "Files changed" tab.
A pretty, rendered version of the proposed Use Cases is also available on my maintainer's branch.
Thanks everyone!
Deadline for comments: Thursday, March 17, 2022 (2022-03-17)