carbon-data-specification / Power-Systems-Data

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Granularity of production and consumption #7

Closed m-mirz closed 2 years ago

m-mirz commented 2 years ago
halliecramer1 commented 2 years ago

Started drafting here:

Three classifiers are: Class, Fuel Type, Technology Type Sub-class is then the combination of class + fuel type + technology type

m-mirz commented 2 years ago

I am working on the MD version for this. Here's the MD for the first table...

Class Fuel Technology Sub-Class
Biomass Brown coal/Lignite Energy Storage, Battery Class + Technology + Fuel
Fossil Hard coal Energy Storage, Compressed Air  
Geothermal Coal-derived gas Energy Storage, Concentrated Solar Power  
Hydro Other coal Energy Storage, Flywheel  
Marine Natural gas Energy Storage, Reversible Hydraulic Turbine  
Nuclear Landfill gas Energy Storage, Other  
Other renewable Other gas Fuel Cell  
Solar Wood / Wood waste Turbine, Binary Cycle  
Waste Municipal waste Turbine, Combined-Cycle  
Wind Propane oil Turbine, Steam  
Other non-renewable Shale oil Turbine, Gas Combustion  
Storage Discharge Distillate oil Hydrokinetic, Axial Flow Turbine  
Other oil Hydrokinetic, Wave Buoy  
Peat Hydrokinectic, Other  
Uranium, Thorium, Plutonium Hydraulic Turbine  
Solar Internal Combustion  
Wind Other  
Geothermal Photovoltaic  
Water Wind Turbine, Onshore  
Wind Turbine, Offshore  
m-mirz commented 2 years ago

Draft of second table...

Data Field Description (initial draft from ENTSOE Detailed Data Descriptions) Aggregation Levels Latency
Actual Generation Actual aggregated Net generation output (MW) per market time unit, per zone and per production type. Inputs: Time range, Time zoneProduction type options: sub-class, classTemporal options: 5 min, 15 min, 1 hr, or totalLocational options: grid, zonal, distribution-level Hour +1
Actual Interchange Actual aggregated Net interchange (MW) per market time unit, per zone and per imports and exports. Inputs: Time range, Time zone, imports, exports, net importsTemporal options: 5 min, 15 min, 1 hr, or totalLocational options: by interconnect, total Day +7
Actual Curtailment Actual aggregated curtailment (MW) per market time unit, per zone and per production type. Inputs: Time range, Time zoneProduction type options: sub-class, class Temporal options: 5 min, 15 min, 1 hr, or totalLocational options: grid, zonal Hour +1
Actual Load Actual total load per zone per market time unit, the total load being defined as equal to the sum of power generated by plants on both TSO/DSO networks, from which the following is deduced:- the balance (export-import) of exchanges on interconnections between neighbouring bidding zones.- the power absorbed by energy storage resources. Inputs: Time range, Time zoneTemporal options: 5 min, 15 min, 1 hr, or totalLocational options: grid, zonal Hour +1
Forecast Generation An estimate of the total scheduled Net generation (MW) per zone, per each market time unit of the following day. Production type options: sub-class, classTemporal options: 5 min, 15 min, 1 hr, or totalLocational options: grid, zonal, distribution-level Day ahead, real-time
Forecast Curtailment An estimate of the total curtailment (MW) per market time unit, per zone and per production type. By production type (wind + solar classes) Day ahead, real-time
Forecast Load A day-ahead forecast of the total load per market time unit per bidding zone at the latest two hours before the gate closure time of the day-ahead market in the bidding zone or at D-1, 12:00 in local time zone of the bidding zone at the latest when gate closure time does not apply. The day-ahead forecast has to be updated, if there are major changes. A major change represents a change of at least 10% of the total load forecast in one market time unit. By load zone, grid-level Day ahead, real-time
Locational Marginal Price For every market time unit the day-ahead and real-time prices in each bidding zone (Currency/MWh). By hub, zone, node Day ahead, real-time
Installed Capacity The sum of installed Net generation capacity (MW) per control area for all existing production units equaling to or exceeding 1 MW installed generation capacity, per production type. By production type Annual
Heat Rate The amount of energy used by an electrical generator/power plant to generate one kilowatthour (kWh) of electricity. By fuel + technology type Annual
m-mirz commented 2 years ago

We discussed that the columns should be in separate tables or a bullet point list would also be fine.

m-mirz commented 2 years ago

I converted the first table to bullet points and added the descriptions on this branch:

m-mirz commented 2 years ago

I merged both sections into the draft branch (#23). This material can be used by workstream 2 as defined in #28.