carbon-design-system / carbon-components-vue

Vue implementation of the Carbon Design System
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fix: ibmtelemetry not run in prod #1593

Closed davidnixon closed 1 month ago

davidnixon commented 2 months ago

What did you do?

The ibmtelemetry should be part of postinstall but it was not. This PR, hopefully, fixes that.

How have you tested it?

yarn build
yarn pack
tar -xvf package.tgz
jq .scripts.postinstall package/package.json

extract package/package.json from generated package.tgz "postinstall": "ibmtelemetry --config=telemetry.yml",

Also verified that package.json is unchanged after running these commands.

The root cause of this issue is pinst npm package. Originally the postinstall script was meant only for developers of this repo. It installed some git pre-commit hooks. Obviously that should not happen for users of this package and pinst did a nice job of preventing the postinstall from running for package users.

Now, however, we need two different postinstall scripts.

  1. postinstall that runs git pre-commit hooks - this is dev only
  2. postinstall that runs production hooks like ibmtelemetry The pinst package does not handle this use case. So I added the packrat.js that toggles between these 2 versions of postinstall.

Another possible solution is to stop using yarn. :-( The npm package manager has a prepare lifecycle hook that could accommodate this use case. Also, pnpm has a very nice devPreinstall hook which would work.

Please ignore the noisy .yarn/cache updates