carbon-design-system / carbon-components-vue

Vue implementation of the Carbon Design System
Apache License 2.0
597 stars 176 forks source link

fix: npm 20+ install #1602

Closed davidnixon closed 3 weeks ago

davidnixon commented 3 weeks ago

Contributes to #1576

What did you do?

Possible fix for npm 20+ install issues.

Why did you do it?

How have you tested it?

See "this fails" steps in #1576 carbon-vue-3.0.15-4a6cf.tgz

npm 10 with node 20+

nvm use 20 # - Now using node v20.13.1 (npm v10.5.2)
npm create vite@latest app-name -- --template vue
cd add-name
npm install
# Ensure that Vue app itself is running.
Run npm add ./carbon-vue-3.0.15-4a6cf.tgz


nvm use 20 # - Now using node v20.13.1 (npm v10.5.2)
npm create vite@latest app-name-pnpm -- --template vue
cd add-name-pnpm
pnpm i
# Ensure that Vue app itself is running.
Run pnpm add ./carbon-vue-3.0.15-4a6cf.tgz


nvm use 20 # - Now using node v20.13.1 (npm v10.5.2)
npm create vite@latest app-name-yarn -- --template vue
cd add-name-yarn
# Ensure that Vue app itself is running.
Run yarn add ./carbon-vue-3.0.15-4a6cf.tgz

direct install npm 10 with node 20+ on macos & Ubuntu 22

nvm use 20 # - Now using node v20.13.1 (npm v10.5.2)
tar -xf carbon-vue-3.0.15-1c45c.tgz
cd package 
npm install --omit=dev

@carbon/vue@3.0.15 postinstall npx ibmtelemetry --config=telemetry.yml || true

Log file: /var/folders/x7/_hxvmlq51p36m3h6x4zm6r6r0000gn/T/ibmtelemetry-20240609T151905131Z-405315.log

added 47 packages, and audited 48 packages in 1m

9 packages are looking for funding run npm fund for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

Were docs updated if needed?

morpheux commented 3 weeks ago

@davidnixon works for me.
