carbon-design-system / carbon-platform

The "next" version of the Carbon Design System website, as a platform.
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Variants #1429

Open mattrosno opened 1 year ago

mattrosno commented 1 year ago


What problem (or opportunity) are we solving? Why are we solving it? Is there supporting user conversations or research?

The platform schema and indexing strategy has not yet accounted for component variants, and that has resulted in inconsistent indexing among libraries, and decomposed documentation when it's a better user experience to document like-components (a.k.a. variants) together.

Notification component example - here you can see that Carbon Svelte and Carbon Vue indexed Inline notification and Toast notification separately, where Carbon React, Carbon Angular, and Carbon Vanilla has this indexed as Notification. All of those notification components inherit from the Carbon Core Notification. Since Carbon Svelte and Vue notification is indexed different from the rest, they can't inherit the Notification usage, style, and accessibility documentation like Carbon React, Angular, and Vanilla.

Create flows pattern example

Here you can see that the Create flows pattern is originally documented as one create pattern that has variations: Those have been indexed as separate patterns:[]=ibm-products&q=create. Is that decomposition ideal? Would it be easier if all Create flow guidance was co-located in one pattern?

List example

The legacy site documents one List component with two variants: Carbon React and Carbon Svelte have this indexed as Ordered list and Unordered list: As such, the those detail pages are missing usage, style, and accessibility documentation because the Carbon Core, Carbon Angular, Carbon Vue, and Carbon Vanilla index this component as List (not decomposed), for example:

Theme component and function example

The Carbon React library has a Theme component and a useTheme hook (function):

Yet, there's no need for these assets to have separate detail pages.

They should be documented together. The component and the hook are part of the same functionality to get and set the current color theme.

Job stories

What value will this deliver?

  1. To do

Acceptance criteria

What requirements must be met to complete this request?

mattrosno commented 1 year ago

Right now, each indexed asset gets its own name, description, thumbnail, status, framework, etc. That's great for discovery, like Dropdown for example, where the catalogs actually index:

Ideally, those three assets are documented as variants of Dropdown, so there's one asset detail page that explains all three together.

Option 1 - redirect

We could add a redirect key to the asset schema, like:

    name: Dropdown
    name: Combo box
    redirect: dropdown
    name: Multiselect
    redirect: dropdown

If an asset has a redirect key, then it wouldn't have detail pages. Instead, when you select one of those catalog items, it would take you to the specified destination (e.g. selecting Multiselect would take you to the Dropdown detail pages.)

We could have a display naming convention so the redirect destination is suffixed with (Name), e.g. combo box below:




Option 2 - canonicalization

Instead, we could index one of the assets as canonical and the non-canonical (a.k.a. variant) detail pages have duplicated content.

    name: Dropdown
      overviewPath: '/path/to/overview.mdx'
      usagePath: /path/to/usage.mdx
      stylePath: /path/to/style.mdx
      codePath: '/path/to/code.mdx'
      accessibilityPath: /path/to/accessibility.mdx
    name: Combo box
    canonical: dropdown
      $ref: '#/assets/dropdown/docs'
      overviewPath: '/path/to/overview.mdx'
      codePath: '/path/to/code.mdx'
    name: Multiselect
    canonical: dropdown
      $ref: '#/assets/dropdown/docs'
      overviewPath: '/path/to/overview.mdx'
      codePath: '/path/to/code.mdx'

In this example, the Dropdown asset has the full documentation that details usage, style, and accessibility guidance for all three variants, and that usage, style, and accessibility content is also used in Combo box and Multiselect assets.

The canonical key is just used for SEO purposes, so search engines know to just index the Dropdown pages, as the Combo box and Multiselect pages are mostly duplicate.



mattrosno commented 1 year ago


  1. Prerequisite: schema v2 to support asset $refs
  2. Option 2 above so assets can share docs
  3. Add related to assets schema, so each overview can have a table (or resource cards) that link to other assets (e.g. link to variants, or if it's a pattern link to the components used in that pattern)
  4. Variants table in usage docs so we have the ability to document variants that might not be indexed as assets

With UX enhancements:

  1. Update asset page breadcrumb to be based on its library, not asset type (catalog)
  2. Include thumbnail in asset page lead space