[x] Description: Consider revising the description to make it more clear.
[x] Overview: See if we should/should not add information about the difference between dropdown and select here or mention this more later in the docs.
[x] Variants section (Combobox purpose): Revise this content to make it more clear.
[x] When to use section: Explain briefly what native means.
[x] Sizing section: Look into if we normally specify the "default" size that we use in the image itself for other form components, or if we only mention it in the content.
[x] Content section:
[x] Options in a menu: Revise this content with the suggestions in the PDF.
[x] Optional versus required fields: Add some more details here.
[x] Overflow content section: Is a browser based tooltip not an accessible affordance compared to an actual tooltip? Ask Michael Gower for more information to clarify which one we need to use.
[x] Interactions section (mouse and keyboard):
[x] Combo box: Don't mention the speed of typing in this bullet point.
[x] Multiple selection: Revise this section with suggestions.
[x] Placeholder text: We need to discuss whether to remove it from the dropdown field as a prompt, or add it to the dropdown list.
Note: We have removed it from the React demos for Multiselect Filterable, Combobox, and the Select component. But it not removed from the actual code.
Updating fields in Dropdown to have no placeholder text is considered a breaking change and can not be implemented right now in code. Created a separate issue to tackle the removal of placeholder text https://github.com/carbon-design-system/carbon-website/issues/3662
[x] Variants of the same component: Should select and dropdown be variants of the same component?
We will investigate this in the future and not in this issue.
[x] Keyboard: Should we use Space to select/deselect checkboxes in the multiselect.
This seems to have already been resolved. See storybook
Ref original issue: https://github.com/carbon-design-system/carbon-website/issues/3363 Usage tab PDF comments: https://ibm.box.com/s/q1ytxjunn1dhhyyk6nr7p8lpwg2iy2hw
Update these areas on the Usage tab
Ongoing Usage tab update (Figma)