carbon-design-system / carbon

A design system built by IBM
Apache License 2.0
7.86k stars 1.82k forks source link

March 2020 Planning #5475

Closed joshblack closed 4 years ago

joshblack commented 4 years ago


March 2nd, 2020 - March 6th, 2020

March 9th, 2020 - March 13th, 2020

March 16th, 2020 - March 20th, 2020

March 23rd, 2020 - March 27th, 2020

March 30th, 2020 - April 3rd, 2020


Increase the quality of components and icons

Understand why teams are creating separate sites related to Carbon

Component enhancements

UI shell

Website Enhancements collaboration w/ aux


Stretch goals

ghost commented 4 years ago

You should also update the docs entirely. A lot of the stuff about styling, feature flags, experimental status, available props, component usage, and examples are simply outdated. As a user myself, this was especially frustrating to try to replicate the examples only to be told "Oh ya that's an old version, add these changes we didn't document anywhere" after spending hours on it. Obviously beggars can't be choosers but I'm just providing some honest feedback that this would be really nice.

joshblack commented 4 years ago

Hi @jibberishclient! 👋 Thanks so much for the feedback 😄

Always happy to take the time to update docs that you have found to be outdated, alongside accepting PRs that help to update these things as well. Feel free to reach out on Slack with specifics or create issues for things that are wrong and we can help out 👍

ghost commented 4 years ago

Well for one thing, the UI shell no longer appears to be experimental, and including it as a feature flag actually breaks the grid underneath in the Content creating an overlap. I'm honestly not sure why the Content component needs a grid offset div inside to avoid the sidenav ... isn't that the whole point of the Content component?

Where exactly can I join the slack?

joshblack commented 4 years ago

@jibberishclient is there a specific documenting that you were following for the UI Shell?

And if you're an IBMer, you can join us in the carbon channels from any workspace! Specifically, #carbon-react might be the most helpful. If you're outside of IBM, you could join us over at:

ghost commented 4 years ago

Yes I was following the react tutorial which stated that the UI Shell was still experimental (despite not being listed under experimental) and thus would need to be be marked under $feature-flags. What was happening is that there would be an overlap between the SideNav and the Content.

Furthermore, the tutorial demonstrates a header navigation that doesn't collapse on smaller displays #5457. Just through trial and error I've found many inconsistencies between the docs and the actual component usage.

ghost commented 4 years ago

And both those communities are visibly inactive

joshblack commented 4 years ago

@jibberishclient thanks! Definitely seems like the tutorial is out of date, will make sure to make an issue to fix it 👍

With respect to the communities, we can't control how people engage in those channels but we have them open for people to ask questions 😄 Similarly you can always create an issue on this project with a question and we'll get to it as soon as we can!

ghost commented 4 years ago

The docs have a UI Shell such that when expanded and you click outside of the SideNav (i.e. on the overlay) it closes instead of having to click the HeaderMenuButton. There's also a huge hole in the docs on the use of the grid system and why one would need to offset inside a Content component so avoid the SideNav from covering it when Content should inherently take care of that according to the design system.

There's also some issues with the DataTable as well #5518. Not to mention #5497. Also forcing the id's to be strings makes no sense because most REST APIs will return primary keys as integers anyway. There's also no clarification between ComboBox and Select. There's also no mention of margin and padding helper classes if they even exist; it appears you have to style them in yourself which would defeat the whole purpose of a "design system" if you're choosing margins (for example in a form between fields) on a whim.

joshblack commented 4 years ago

@jibberishclient for questions/feedback I definitely recommend making issues or reaching out in the communities linked above. This issue is more so for team coordination/planning. Hope that makes sense!

ghost commented 4 years ago

Ok I've made a few issues. Thanks for your time