carbon-design-system / ibm-products

A Carbon-powered React component library for IBM Products
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NotificationsPanel does not honor carbon theme #5259

Open justindm234 opened 2 weeks ago

justindm234 commented 2 weeks ago


Carbon for IBM Products


The user interface for my product supports multiple carbon themes (g100 and g10) with UI Shell HeaderPanels using g90 and white themes. We are hoping to include the c4p NotificationsPanel in our UI. Unfortunately, the NotificationsPanel enforces the g100 theme, which does not align with our other HeaderPanels.

Existing header panels in my products:

image image

c4p NotificationsPanel in my product


Component(s) impacted


Allow the NotificationsPanel to support all carbon theme either via its parent Theme/Layer tags or an explicit theme prop

I can work around this for the most part by overriding c4p styles. This one override does most of the work:

.my-class-name:global(.c4p--notifications-panel.c4p--notifications-panel__container) {
  @include theme.theme(themes.$white);

However, I cannot override the NotificationPanel's NotificationsEmptyState's illustrationTheme prop, so a new emptyStateIllustrationTheme prop may be sufficient (though not ideal).



@carbon/ibm-products (previously @carbon/ibm-cloud-cognitive) version



Severity 3 = The problem is visible or noticeable to users but does not impede the usability or functionality. Affects minor functionality, has a workaround.


IBM Z Hardware Management Console

CodeSandbox or Stackblitz example

Steps to reproduce the issue (if applicable)

Render NotificationsPanel in white, g10, or g90 themed UI and the NotificationsPanel theme is always g100

Release date (if applicable)

No response

Code of Conduct

elycheea commented 1 week ago

Thanks for raising this issue!

Believe the enforced theme was as initially designed — but this design was based on Carbon 10 where the UI shell was not themed.

I’ve tagged this issue so we can discuss this further as a possible enhancement to the original design.