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Verify type scale and styles for `carbon-elements` #27

Closed kuehndaniel closed 6 years ago

kuehndaniel commented 6 years ago

Josh originally opened this issue:

This issue is for design to sign-off on the existing type scales and styles for the IDL refresh that's making it's way into our OSS carbon-elements project.

The current set of styles for both projects are currently at:

Some of the differences that we need to settle on or confirm:

kuehndaniel commented 6 years ago

Chiu commented: Not sure about applying Margin-bottom with type style. Maybe it works better for Body. When you have couple paragraphs, you can make sure the hard return is the leading/line-height. How do you all think?

kuehndaniel commented 6 years ago

Josh commented back to Chiu: I think the margin-bottom should be something that is applied separately, if that makes sense. Text using these styles may not necessarily be in a place with flowing text where the margin is appropriate (like for body copy), and so adding in the margin by default would disrupt those locations.

kuehndaniel commented 6 years ago

Josh comment: If we want, we can do a first pass now and tweak the names later 😄 I'm sure once we start using them in the updated components we'll start to get a better feel for when we want to use them and what they should be called.

kuehndaniel commented 6 years ago

Jeannie commented: Yes we want. I think we have enough info to shut this issue down and roll with a first pass. Josh -- I think we can go with Anna's first pass up above for a start. Right now it's the closest to where we want to be I think.

kuehndaniel commented 6 years ago

Anna commented:

Final Typestyles

Ok we nested body and universal into each theme. Editorial has a 2 extra body's with the added serifs and it also has display.

👍 the message if you agree and we're good to go. @joshblack @chiuping-chiu @Jean-Ann-Servaas

Product Theme

Headings — Product Theme

Type Styling @XLG 1312 Use Token Original Duo
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 18px(1.286)
letter-spacing: 0.01 rem
headings heading-01 ibm-type-b-tight
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 22px(1.375)
letter-spacing: 0
headings heading-02 ibm-type-c-tight
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 22px(1.375)
letter-spacing: 0
headings heading-03 ibm-type-d
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0
headings heading-04 ibm-type-e
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(1.25)
letter-spacing: 0
headings heading-05 ibm-type-g
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(1.19)
letter-spacing: 0
headings heading-06 ibm-type-h

Body Copy — Product theme

Type Styling @XLG 1312 Use Token Original Duo
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.02rem
Small copy body-01 ibm-type-a
Font: PlexSans
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 20px(1.429)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
body copy
body-02 ibm-type-b
Font: PlexSans
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 24px(1.5)
body copy
body-03 ibm-type-c

Code — Product

Type Styling @XLG 1312 Use Token Original Duo
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
code-01 ibm-type-a--mono
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 20px(1.429)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
code-02 ibm-type-b--mono

Editorial Theme

Headings — Editorial Theme

Type Styling @XLG 1312 Use Token Original Duo
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 18px(1.286)
letter-spacing: 0.01 rem
headings heading-01 ibm-type-b-tight
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 22px(1.375)
letter-spacing: 0
headings heading-02 ibm-type-c-tight
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 22px(1.375)
letter-spacing: 0
headings heading-03 ibm-type-d
Font: PlexSerif

Weight: 400/Regular

Size: 16px(1rem)

Line-height: 22px(1.375rem)
Short subhead or body copy (no more than 4 lines) heading-04 ibm-type-c-tight-serif
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0
headings heading-05 ibm-type-e
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 28px(1.75rem)
Line-height: 36px(1.286)
letter-spacing: 0
headings heading-06 ibm-type-f
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(1.19)
letter-spacing: 0
headings heading-07 ibm-type-h

Body Copy — Editorial

Type Styling @XLG 1312 Use Token Original Duo
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.02rem
Small copy body-01 ibm-type-a
Font: PlexSans
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 20px(1.429)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
body copy
body-02 ibm-type-b
Font: PlexSans
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 24px(1.5)
body copy
body-03 ibm-type-c
Font: PlexSerif

Weight: 400/Regular

Size: 16px(1rem)

Line-height: 24px(1.5rem)
Body copy / article body-05 ibm-type-c-serif

Display — Editorial

Type Styling @XLG 1312 Use Token Original Duo
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 122px(7.625rem)
Line-height: 130px(1.065)
letter-spacing: -0.04rem
Display type display-01 ibm-type-i
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 122px(7.625rem)
Line-height: 130px(1.065)
letter-spacing: -0.04rem
Display type display-02 ibm-type-j
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 60px(3.75rem)
Line-height: 70px(1.167)
letter-spacing: 0
Display small display-03 ibm-type-k
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 60px(3.75rem)
Line-height: 70px(1.167)
letter-spacing: 0
Display small display-04 ibm-type-l

Quotation — Editorial

Type Styling @XLG 1312 Use Token Original Duo
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(1.19)
letter-spacing: 0
quotation-01 ibm-type-h--serif

Code — Editorial

Type Styling @XLG 1312 Use Token Original Duo
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
code-01 ibm-type-a--mono
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 20px(1.429)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
code-02 ibm-type-b--mono
eraymond25 commented 6 years ago

This format creates some redundancy, creating essentially 2 different type scales.

For example, heading-04, heading-05, heading-06 have different meanings therefore creating 2 scales across the company. I just bring this up as I'm experimenting editing the type-styles in the design kit to mimic this and it's pretty confusing to have 2 heading-05 styles that are different.

I think one thing that the a, b, c, d (alpha, bravo, etc) scale allows is for one scale across the company but almost like different filters for the different sets. It has it's downfalls as well though with having to learn which specific type to use in which set.

joshblack commented 6 years ago

Hey @eraymond25! 👋 I wanted to share how I've been thinking about this stuff while building it out. Curious what your thoughts are!

I started out with the type scale itself. This would be the numeric values following the formula: Xn = Xn-1 + {INT[(n-2)/4] + 1} * 2 from the current IDL refresh website. At the end of the day, this is a large list of font sizes starting from 12px going upwards of 92px.

The next step was to craft the tokens that we defined above. Tokens use the type scale values, but also bring alongside additional properties and their values. The idea behind the tokens is that a specific token heading-XX should be used systematically across a software context (product, digital, etc).

However, as you noted, this creates a difference between product and digital when it comes to specific styles. While heading-06 might have a different visual treatment for product or digital, the goal would be that the token was applied in software the same way. This is where the analogy to the color tokens comes from. For colors, we have tokens like brand-01 that are used throughout a product with a specific intent, like communicating the primary brand, interactive text, the primary icon color, border highlights, and more.

If we could do this for type, then we could use our theming system to say that heading-06 has a different visual representation in different themes. However, the values of heading-06, specifically font-size, will still derive from the underlying type scale that we started out with.

We can loosely see how this would function in the Material page for their type scale under "Applying the type scale" (although I'm not sure why they call it a scale):

As a side note, I think something we all need to be more rigorous about is our definition of a type scale. Traditionally in development and design systems, a type scale only refers to the font size versus any other properties. This might be what is causing some of the confusion here, as the proposed scale for type prescriptions a, b, c, d, etc. includes more than just font-size. As soon as we start dealing with multiple properties, we are no longer working in a scale.

eraymond25 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for that info @joshblack very helpful. In the case of these being token names, would the duo name still exist? (type-a, type-b)

In my own comparison to color tokens I think of it like this (may or may not be correct!) so the duo name would still need to exist: hex code = font size (all of the options) blue-50 = type-h (design language decisions) brand-01 = heading-07 (system decision) button background = h4 (page, team decision)

joshblack commented 6 years ago

@eraymond25 great question. I think this hits at the awkwardness I also feel when doing this work, namely are we adding an extra layer when we might not have to with the tokens.

I think if we had to build on top of that strategy I laid out above, we could definitely have a class name layer on top of the tokens. This would be the ibm-type-h1, bx--type-alpha style class names. These could use the token values directly and ultimately create an easy-to-use way to apply the values to some HTML tag.

I tried to draft these terms up in here: if that helps at all. I think that the "type scale" should correspond directly to font-size values. Then, the tokens could be used in a way to create a robust theming system. Finally, the tokens could be applied to CSS class names to make it easy to apply them to any HTML tag, from a <p> tag to an <h1> tag.

joshblack commented 6 years ago

In retrospect, I think the "token" bit here was introduced so that we could target multiple styles of class names. If we didn't have that constraint, I bet we could just have the "type scale" defined as alpha, bravo, etc. with the corresponding properties.

We could still go down that route, however, if the group feels like this is getting to be too much indirection from scale to token to class name.

aagonzales commented 6 years ago

I don't think its redundant to have them as themes. There should be parts across both that have the same values. I think having them as two separate themes actually make them easier to use and more maintainable.

@joshblack agreed on the clarity of naming: Xn = Xn-1 + {INT[(n-2)/4] + 1} * 2 = type scale (only size) heading-XX or ibm-type-alpah = type styles (predefined styling and usage)

joshblack commented 6 years ago

Type styles definitely make sense to me, naming wise. So, moving forward, how do we want people to consume these type styles from a design or dev perspective? Would it be helpful to consolidate around the token convention, or the type-XYZ convention (or both)?

eraymond25 commented 6 years ago

If we were to remove c serif tight from the editorial headings we could have more consistency across the two scales and the inconsistent one would be heading-05. I think this could make using the tokens in components easier. ex. one of the component tiles uses type-e in the design, but type-e was heading-04 in product and heading-05 in editorial

I also re-ordered the displays since they were going opposite with the new small display additions. Or was there a reason for that?

Duo Use Editorial token Product token
a-mono code code-01 code-01
b-mono code code-02 code-02
a small copy body-01 body-01
b paragraphs body copy body-02 body-02
c prolonged reading body copy body-03 body-03
c-serif body copy/article body-04
b-tight heading heading-01 heading-01
c-tight heading heading-02 heading-02
c-tight-serif heading heading-02-serif
d heading heading-03 heading-03
e heading heading-04 heading-04
f heading heading-05
g heading heading-05
h heading heading-06 heading-06
h-serif quotation quotiation-01
k display small display-01
l display small display-02
i display display-03
j display display-04

what do you think of this option?

aagonzales commented 6 years ago
Token Use Editorial Product
code-01 code a-mono a-mono
code-02 code a-mono b-mono
body-01 small copy a a
body-02 paragraphs body copy b b
body-03 prolonged reading body copy c c
heading-01 heading b-tight b-tight
heading-02 heading c-tight c-tight
heading-03 heading d d
heading-04 heading e e
heading-05 heading f ** g **
heading-06 heading h h
quotation-01 quotation h-serif --
display-01 display small k --
display-02 display small l --
display-03 display i --
display-04 display j --
eraymond25 commented 6 years ago
Duo Use Editorial token Product token
a-mono code code-01 code-01
b-mono code code-02 code-02
a small copy body-01 body-01
b paragraphs body copy body-02 body-02
c prolonged reading body copy body-03 body-03
b-tight heading heading-01 heading-01
c-tight heading heading-02 heading-02
d heading heading-03 heading-03
e heading heading-04 heading-04
f heading heading-05
g heading heading-05
h heading heading-06 heading-06
h-serif quotation quotation-01
k display small display-01
l display small display-02
i display display-03
j display display-04

Duo Use Editorial token Product token
c-serif body serif-body-01
c-tight-serif heading serif-heading-01
eraymond25 commented 6 years ago

Tokens for @joshblack to try. @jeanservaas @aagonzales and wonil can you please confirm

Fixed sizing

Token Use Editorial Product
code-01 code Step: 1
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
Step: 1
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
Step: 1
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
code-02 code Step: 2
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 20px(1.429)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
Step: 2
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 20px(1.429)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
body-01 small copy Step: 1
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.02rem
Step: 1
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.02rem
body-02 body copy Step: 2
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 20px(1.429)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
Step: 2
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 20px(1.429)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
body-03 body copy Step: 3
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 24px(1.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 3
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 24px(1.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
heading-01 heading Step: 2
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 18px(1.286)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
Step: 2
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 18px(1.286)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
heading-02 heading Step: 3
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 22px(1.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 3
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 22px(1.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
heading-03 heading Step: 3
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 22px(1.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 3
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 22px(1.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem

Fluid sizing

Token Use Editorial @sm Editorial @med Editorial @lg Editorial @xlg Editorial @max Product @sm Product @med Product @lg Product @xlg Product @max
heading-04 heading Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 6
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 24px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 30px(1.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 6
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 24px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 30px(1.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
heading-05 heading Step: 6
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 24px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 30px(1.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 6
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 24px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 30px(1.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 7
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 28px(1.75rem)
Line-height: 36px(2.25)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 9
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 36px(2.25rem)
Line-height: 44px(2.75)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 7
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 28px(1.75rem)
Line-height: 36px(2.25)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 7
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 28px(1.75rem)
Line-height: 36px(2.25)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 7
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 28px(1.75rem)
Line-height: 36px(2.25)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 7
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 28px(1.75rem)
Line-height: 36px(2.25)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
heading-06 heading Step: 8
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 9
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 36px(2.25rem)
Line-height: 44px(2.75)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 11
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 48px(3rem)
Line-height: 56px(3.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 9
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 36px(2.25rem)
Line-height: 44px(2.75)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 11
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 48px(3rem)
Line-height: 56px(3.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
quotation-01 quote Step: 8
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 9
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 36px(2.25rem)
Line-height: 44px(2.75)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 10
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 11
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 48px(3rem)
Line-height: 56px(3.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
-- -- -- -- --
display-01 small display Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 12
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 54px(3.375rem)
Line-height: 64px(4)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 13
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 60px(3.75rem)
Line-height: 70px(4.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 15
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 76px(4.75rem)
Line-height: 86px(5.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
-- -- -- -- --
display-02 small display Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 12
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 54px(3.375rem)
Line-height: 64px(4)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 13
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 60px(3.75rem)
Line-height: 70px(4.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 15
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 76px(4.75rem)
Line-height: 86px(5.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
-- -- -- -- --
display-03 display Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 14
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 68px(4.25rem)
Line-height: 78px(4.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 17
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 92px(5.75rem)
Line-height: 102px(6.375)
letter-spacing: -0.1rem
Step: 20
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 122px(7.625rem)
Line-height: 130px(8.125)
letter-spacing: -0.1rem
Step: 23
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 156px(9.75rem)
Line-height: 164px(10.25)
letter-spacing: -0.2rem
-- -- -- -- --
display-04 display Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 14
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 68px(4.25rem)
Line-height: 78px(4.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 17
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 92px(5.75rem)
Line-height: 102px(6.375)
letter-spacing: -0.1rem
Step: 20
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 122px(7.625rem)
Line-height: 130px(8.125)
letter-spacing: -0.1rem
Step: 23
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 156px(9.75rem)
Line-height: 164px(10.25)
letter-spacing: -0.2rem
-- -- -- -- --
joshblack commented 6 years ago

Can @jeanservaas @aagonzales confirm real quick?

aagonzales commented 6 years ago

@eraymond25 What are the step parts?

joshblack commented 6 years ago

@aagonzales they correspond to the step in the type scale 👍

joshblack commented 6 years ago
[ { step: 1, size: '12px' },
  { step: 2, size: '14px' },
  { step: 3, size: '16px' },
  { step: 4, size: '18px' },
  { step: 5, size: '20px' },
  { step: 6, size: '24px' },
  { step: 7, size: '28px' },
  { step: 8, size: '32px' },
  { step: 9, size: '36px' },
  { step: 10, size: '42px' },
  { step: 11, size: '48px' },
  { step: 12, size: '54px' },
  { step: 13, size: '60px' },
  { step: 14, size: '68px' },
  { step: 15, size: '76px' },
  { step: 16, size: '84px' },
  { step: 17, size: '92px' },
  { step: 18, size: '102px' },
  { step: 19, size: '112px' },
  { step: 20, size: '122px' },
  { step: 21, size: '132px' },
  { step: 22, size: '144px' },
  { step: 23, size: '156px' },
  { step: 24, size: '168px' },
  { step: 25, size: '180px' },
  { step: 26, size: '194px' },
  { step: 27, size: '208px' },
  { step: 28, size: '222px' },
  { step: 29, size: '236px' },
  { step: 30, size: '252px' } ]

For reference

eraymond25 commented 6 years ago

@jeanservaas @aagonzales and @joshblack I updated the table above to include all the steps in the different breakpoint sizes, let me know if you see any mistakes!

wonilsuhibm commented 6 years ago

Do we want heading-02, 16/22 regular? Too many?

eraymond25 commented 6 years ago

@wonilsuhibm That is still in there! It’s in the fixed table ☝️

wonilsuhibm commented 6 years ago

I see it. I'm just wondering if we need it.

eraymond25 commented 6 years ago

It’s what all editorial components are built using

shinytoyrobots commented 6 years ago

Must be prioritized in sprint starting 10/8.

joshblack commented 6 years ago

Closing with as the final specs 👍

Related issue: for margin values for typography

jeanservaas commented 6 years ago

Yes! closed! agreed!

aagonzales commented 5 years ago

@eraymond25 is there a way to confirm the font weight of heading-06 in the first charts on this page and on the Duo website its 400 but in the final chart its 300.

eraymond25 commented 5 years ago

Good question! Chiu would be the one to verify it all!

jeanservaas commented 5 years ago

OK @joshblack -- these are the updated sizes in Product... the ONLY changes are to our Heading 05 and Heading 06 -- there are some scale changes at breakpoints and we don't use any Light weights in Product Headings so I fixed that.

Fixed sizing

Token Use Editorial Product
code-01 code Step: 1
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
Step: 1
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
Step: 1
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
code-02 code Step: 2
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 20px(1.429)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
Step: 2
Font: PlexMono
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 20px(1.429)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
body-01 small copy Step: 1
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.02rem
Step: 1
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 12px(0.75rem)
Line-height: 16px(1.333)
letter-spacing: 0.02rem
body-02 body copy Step: 2
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 20px(1.429)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
Step: 2
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 20px(1.429)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
body-03 body copy Step: 3
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 24px(1.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 3
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 24px(1.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
heading-01 heading Step: 2
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 18px(1.286)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
Step: 2
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 14px(0.875rem)
Line-height: 18px(1.286)
letter-spacing: 0.01rem
heading-02 heading Step: 3
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 22px(1.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 3
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 22px(1.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
heading-03 heading Step: 3
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 22px(1.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 3
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 16px(1rem)
Line-height: 22px(1.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem

Fluid sizing

Token Use Editorial @sm Editorial @med Editorial @lg Editorial @xlg Editorial @max Product @sm Product @med Product @lg Product @xlg Product @max
heading-04 heading Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 6
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 24px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 30px(1.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 5
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 20px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 26px(1.3)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 6
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 24px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 30px(1.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
heading-05 heading Step: 6
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 24px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 30px(1.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 6
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 24px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 30px(1.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 7
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 28px(1.75rem)
Line-height: 36px(2.25)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 9
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 36px(2.25rem)
Line-height: 44px(2.75)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 6
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 24px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 30px(1.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 6
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 24px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 30px(1.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 7
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 28px(1.75rem)
Line-height: 36px(2.25)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 32px(2.25rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.75)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 9
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 36px(2rem)
Line-height: 44px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
heading-06 heading Step: 8
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 9
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 36px(2.25rem)
Line-height: 44px(2.75)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 11
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 48px(3rem)
Line-height: 56px(3.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 7
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 28px(1.75rem)
Line-height: 36px(2.25)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 9
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 36px(2.25rem)
Line-height: 44px(2.75)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 11
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 48px(3rem)
Line-height: 56px(3.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
quotation-01 quote Step: 8
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 9
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 36px(2.25rem)
Line-height: 44px(2.75)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 10
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 11
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 48px(3rem)
Line-height: 56px(3.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
-- -- -- -- --
display-01 small display Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 12
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 54px(3.375rem)
Line-height: 64px(4)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 13
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 60px(3.75rem)
Line-height: 70px(4.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 15
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 76px(4.75rem)
Line-height: 86px(5.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
-- -- -- -- --
display-02 small display Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 12
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 54px(3.375rem)
Line-height: 64px(4)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 13
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 60px(3.75rem)
Line-height: 70px(4.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 15
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 76px(4.75rem)
Line-height: 86px(5.375)
letter-spacing: 0rem
-- -- -- -- --
display-03 display Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 14
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 68px(4.25rem)
Line-height: 78px(4.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 17
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 92px(5.75rem)
Line-height: 102px(6.375)
letter-spacing: -0.1rem
Step: 20
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 122px(7.625rem)
Line-height: 130px(8.125)
letter-spacing: -0.1rem
Step: 23
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 156px(9.75rem)
Line-height: 164px(10.25)
letter-spacing: -0.2rem
-- -- -- -- --
display-04 display Step: 10
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 14
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 68px(4.25rem)
Line-height: 78px(4.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 17
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 92px(5.75rem)
Line-height: 102px(6.375)
letter-spacing: -0.1rem
Step: 20
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 122px(7.625rem)
Line-height: 130px(8.125)
letter-spacing: -0.1rem
Step: 23
Font: PlexSans
Weight: 600/SemiBold
Size: 156px(9.75rem)
Line-height: 164px(10.25)
letter-spacing: -0.2rem
-- -- -- -- --
qqpin commented 5 years ago

@jeanservaas & @joshblack There shouldn't be a letter-spacing for code-01 code-02

Letter-spacing for Step 17: -0.04 rem Step 20: -0.04 rem Step 23: -0.06 rem

joshblack commented 5 years ago

Thanks @qqpin! Updating in

As an aside, is the letter spacing value computed from some formula or pattern? Would love to codify it, if so 👍

qqpin commented 5 years ago

@eraymond25 is there a way to confirm the font weight of heading-06 in the first charts on this page and on the Duo website its 400 but in the final chart its 300.

It should be light/300. Might be my mistake on Sketch breakdown.

qqpin commented 5 years ago

I'm curious if font-weight can be adjusted in the Fluid type.

For example, heading-05 sm: 24px/Regular md: 24px/Regular lg: 28px/Regular xlg: 32px/Light (font-sizes equal and larger than 32px, they become Light) Max: 36px/Light

joshblack commented 5 years ago

We definitely can add those in on the implementation side 👍

qqpin commented 5 years ago

If it is doable, we need to adjust the weight for font-size equals and above 32px become Light. Step 8 above adjusted to Light. (Besides predefined ones: Display-02 & Display-04)

qqpin commented 5 years ago

@wonilsuhibm mentioned to add a smaller Quotation style for the need of layout design. Seems like we always start from smaller font-size. Maybe the current quotation-01 should be quotation-02 and add new one named/token quotation-01

Token Use Editorial @sm Editorial @med Editorial @lg Editorial @xlg Editorial @max
quotation-01 quote Step: 6
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 24px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 30px(1.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 6
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 24px(1.5rem)
Line-height: 30px(1.875)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 7
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 400/Regular
Size: 28px(1.75rem)
Line-height: 36px(2.25)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 9
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 36px(2.25rem)
Line-height: 44px(2.75)
letter-spacing: 0rem
quotation-02 quote Step: 8
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 8
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 32px(2rem)
Line-height: 40px(2.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 9
Font: PlexSerif
Weight: 300/Light
Size: 36px(2.25rem)
Line-height: 44px(2.75)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 10
Font: PlexSerifWeight: 300/Light
Size: 42px(2.625rem)
Line-height: 50px(3.125)
letter-spacing: 0rem
Step: 11
Font: PlexSerifWeight: 300/Light
Size: 48px(3rem)
Line-height: 56px(3.5)
letter-spacing: 0rem
qqpin commented 5 years ago

Step 5 rem value should be 1.25rem, not 1.5rem Size: 20px(1.25rem)

eraymond25 commented 5 years ago

re: adjusting for quotation-01 and quotation-02. I requested that in this issue:

joshblack commented 5 years ago

@qqpin could you share the sketch file for these values? Might help to just generate the values from a design asset 👍

qqpin commented 5 years ago

@joshblack Sketch file: