carcabot / tiktok-signature

Generate tiktok signature token using node
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How to sign a hashtag request? #196

Closed tonywangcn closed 1 year ago

tonywangcn commented 1 year ago

I am able to run the hashtag code successfully, but my concern is how to change challenge id and re-sign it with this repo?

Here is the url to be signed without verifyFp, X-bogus and _signature. Are there anything wrong ?

And here is the signed url, and response is empty.
tonywangcn commented 1 year ago

Finally works after changed it to below:

const PARAMS = {
  aid: 1988,
  app_language: "en",
  app_name: "tiktok_web",
  battery_info: 0.54,
  browser_language: "en-US",
  browser_name: "Mozilla",
  browser_online: true,
  browser_platform: "MacIntel",
  browser_version: "5.0%20%28Macintosh%3B%20Intel%20Mac%20OS%20X%2010_15_7%29%20AppleWebKit%2F537.36%20%28KHTML%2C%20like%20Gecko%29%20Chrome%2F109.0.0.0%20Safari%2F537.36",
  challengeID: 13187,
  channel: "tiktok_web",
  cookie_enabled: true,
  count: 30,
  cursor: 30,
  device_id: 7195820289077478917,
  device_platform: "web_pc",
  focus_state: true,
  from_page: "hashtag",
  history_len: 5,
  is_fullscreen: false,
  is_page_visible: true,
  language: "en",
  os: "mac",
  priority_region: "",
  referer: "",
  region: "RO",
  root_referer: "",
  screen_height: 1120,
  screen_width: 1792,
  tz_name: "Europe%2FBucharest",
  webcast_language: "en",

Great Repo. Thanks for your work!