card-io / provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
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crash when after "presentViewController(cardIOVC, animated: true, completion: nil)" #251

Open DoubleJ87 opened 7 years ago

DoubleJ87 commented 7 years ago

General information

Issue description

I used to sample-swift code. and App was Crash when after call scanCard fuction I got message to bellow.

Greencar`cv::_InputArray::getMat: 0x101290c34 <+0>: stp x28, x27, [sp, #-80]! 0x101290c38 <+4>: stp x24, x23, [sp, #16] 0x101290c3c <+8>: stp x22, x21, [sp, #32] 0x101290c40 <+12>: stp x20, x19, [sp, #48] 0x101290c44 <+16>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #64] 0x101290c48 <+20>: add x29, sp, #64 ; =64 0x101290c4c <+24>: sub sp, sp, #1184 ; =1184 0x101290c50 <+28>: mov x21, x1 0x101290c54 <+32>: mov x20, x0 0x101290c58 <+36>: mov x19, x8 0x101290c5c <+40>: movz w23, #0x42ff, lsl #16 0x101290c60 <+44>: ldr x8, [x20] 0x101290c64 <+48>: ldr x8, [x8, #40] 0x101290c68 <+52>: blr x8 0x101290c6c <+56>: cmp w0, #48, lsl #12 ; =196608 0x101290c70 <+60>: 0x101290cac ; <+120> 0x101290c74 <+64>: cbz w0, 0x10129111c ; <+1256> 0x101290c78 <+68>: cmp w0, #16, lsl #12 ; =65536 0x101290c7c <+72>: 0x101290e8c ; <+600> 0x101290c80 <+76>: ldr x1, [x20, #16] 0x101290c84 <+80>: tbnz w21, #31, 0x101291354 ; <+1824> 0x101290c88 <+84>: add w8, w21, #1 ; =1 0x101290c8c <+88>: stp w21, w8, [x29, #-72] 0x101290c90 <+92>: orr x8, xzr, #0x7fffffff80000000 0x101290c94 <+96>: stur x8, [x29, #-80] 0x101290c98 <+100>: sub x2, x29, #72 ; =72 0x101290c9c <+104>: sub x3, x29, #80 ; =80 0x101290ca0 <+108>: mov x0, x19 0x101290ca4 <+112>: bl 0x101558734 ; cv::Mat::Mat(cv::Mat const&, cv::Range const&, cv::Range const&) 0x101290ca8 <+116>: b 0x101291338 ; <+1796> 0x101290cac <+120>: cmp w0, #80, lsl #12 ; =327680 0x101290cb0 <+124>: 0x101290dec ; <+440> 0x101290cb4 <+128>: cmp w0, #48, lsl #12 ; =196608 0x101290cb8 <+132>: 0x101290f98 ; <+868> 0x101290cbc <+136>: tbnz w21, #31, 0x101290d40 ; <+268> 0x101290cc0 <+140>: adrp x1, 983 0x101290cc4 <+144>: add x1, x1, #1743 ; =1743 0x101290cc8 <+148>: add x0, sp, #640 ; =640 0x101290ccc <+152>: movz w2, #0x5 0x101290cd0 <+156>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const*, unsigned long) 0x101290cd4 <+160>: adrp x1, 983 0x101290cd8 <+164>: add x1, x1, #1749 ; =1749 0x101290cdc <+168>: add x0, sp, #616 ; =616 0x101290ce0 <+172>: orr w2, wzr, #0x6 0x101290ce4 <+176>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const*, unsigned long) 0x101290ce8 <+180>: adrp x1, 983 0x101290cec <+184>: add x1, x1, #678 ; =678 0x101290cf0 <+188>: add x0, sp, #592 ; =592 0x101290cf4 <+192>: movz w2, #0x43 0x101290cf8 <+196>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::__1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const, unsigned long) 0x101290cfc <+200>: add x0, sp, #664 ; =664 0x101290d00 <+204>: movn w1, #0xd6 0x101290d04 <+208>: add x2, sp, #640 ; =640 0x101290d08 <+212>: add x3, sp, #616 ; =616 0x101290d0c <+216>: add x4, sp, #592 ; =592 0x101290d10 <+220>: movz w5, #0x3c7 0x101290d14 <+224>: bl 0x1012a5830 ; cv::Exception::Exception(int, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, int) 0x101290d18 <+228>: add x0, sp, #664 ; =664 0x101290d1c <+232>: bl 0x101576cb0 ; cv::error(cv::Exception const&) 0x101290d20 <+236>: add x0, sp, #664 ; =664 0x101290d24 <+240>: bl 0x1015769b8 ; cv::Exception::~Exception() 0x101290d28 <+244>: add x0, sp, #592 ; =592 0x101290d2c <+248>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101290d30 <+252>: add x0, sp, #616 ; =616 0x101290d34 <+256>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101290d38 <+260>: add x0, sp, #640 ; =640 0x101290d3c <+264>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101290d40 <+268>: ldr x21, [x20, #16] 0x101290d44 <+272>: ldp x8, x9, [x21] 0x101290d48 <+276>: cmp x8, x9 0x101290d4c <+280>: b.eq 0x10129111c ; <+1256> 0x101290d50 <+284>: ldr w22, [x20, #8] 0x101290d54 <+288>: and w24, w22, #0xfff 0x101290d58 <+292>: ldr x8, [x20] 0x101290d5c <+296>: ldr x9, [x8, #48] 0x101290d60 <+300>: add x8, sp, #584 ; =584 0x101290d64 <+304>: movn w1, #0 0x101290d68 <+308>: mov x0, x20 0x101290d6c <+312>: blr x9 0x101290d70 <+316>: ldr x8, [x21] 0x101290d74 <+320>: orr w9, wzr, #0x2 0x101290d78 <+324>: str w9, [x19, #4] 0x101290d7c <+328>: add x9, x19, #8 ; =8 0x101290d80 <+332>: ldrsw x10, [sp, #588] 0x101290d84 <+336>: str w10, [x19, #8] 0x101290d88 <+340>: ldrsw x11, [sp, #584] 0x101290d8c <+344>: str w11, [x19, #12] 0x101290d90 <+348>: stp x8, xzr, [x19, #16] 0x101290d94 <+352>: str x8, [x19, #32] 0x101290d98 <+356>: stp xzr, xzr, [x19, #48] 0x101290d9c <+360>: str xzr, [x19, #40] 0x101290da0 <+364>: str x9, [x19, #64] 0x101290da4 <+368>: add x9, x19, #80 ; =80 0x101290da8 <+372>: stp x9, xzr, [x19, #72] 0x101290dac <+376>: ubfx w9, w22, #3, #9 0x101290db0 <+380>: add w9, w9, #1 ; =1 0x101290db4 <+384>: lsl w12, w24, #1 0x101290db8 <+388>: and w12, w12, #0xe 0x101290dbc <+392>: movz w13, #0xfa50 0x101290dc0 <+396>: lsr x12, x13, x12 0x101290dc4 <+400>: and w12, w12, #0x3 0x101290dc8 <+404>: lsl w9, w9, w12 0x101290dcc <+408>: sxtw x9, w9 0x101290dd0 <+412>: mul x11, x9, x11 0x101290dd4 <+416>: add w12, w23, #4, lsl #12 ; =16384 0x101290dd8 <+420>: orr w12, w24, w12 0x101290ddc <+424>: str w12, [x19] 0x101290de0 <+428>: stp x11, x9, [x19, #80] 0x101290de4 <+432>: madd x8, x11, x10, x8 0x101290de8 <+436>: b 0x101291110 ; <+1244> 0x101290dec <+440>: b.eq 0x1012911dc ; <+1448> 0x101290df0 <+444>: cmp w0, #96, lsl #12 ; =393216 0x101290df4 <+448>: 0x10129115c ; <+1320> 0x101290df8 <+452>: tbnz w21, #31, 0x101290e7c ; <+584> 0x101290dfc <+456>: adrp x1, 983 0x101290e00 <+460>: add x1, x1, #1743 ; =1743 0x101290e04 <+464>: sub x0, x29, #224 ; =224 0x101290e08 <+468>: movz w2, #0x5 0x101290e0c <+472>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::__init(char const, unsigned long) 0x101290e10 <+476>: adrp x1, 983 0x101290e14 <+480>: add x1, x1, #1749 ; =1749 0x101290e18 <+484>: sub x0, x29, #248 ; =248 0x101290e1c <+488>: orr w2, wzr, #0x6 0x101290e20 <+492>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const*, unsigned long) 0x101290e24 <+496>: adrp x1, 983 0x101290e28 <+500>: add x1, x1, #678 ; =678 0x101290e2c <+504>: add x0, sp, #976 ; =976 0x101290e30 <+508>: movz w2, #0x43 0x101290e34 <+512>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const*, unsigned long) 0x101290e38 <+516>: sub x0, x29, #200 ; =200 0x101290e3c <+520>: movn w1, #0xd6 0x101290e40 <+524>: sub x2, x29, #224 ; =224 0x101290e44 <+528>: sub x3, x29, #248 ; =248 0x101290e48 <+532>: add x4, sp, #976 ; =976 0x101290e4c <+536>: movz w5, #0x3bb 0x101290e50 <+540>: bl 0x1012a5830 ; cv::Exception::Exception(int, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, int) 0x101290e54 <+544>: sub x0, x29, #200 ; =200 0x101290e58 <+548>: bl 0x101576cb0 ; cv::error(cv::Exception const&) 0x101290e5c <+552>: sub x0, x29, #200 ; =200 0x101290e60 <+556>: bl 0x1015769b8 ; cv::Exception::~Exception() 0x101290e64 <+560>: add x0, sp, #976 ; =976 0x101290e68 <+564>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101290e6c <+568>: sub x0, x29, #248 ; =248 0x101290e70 <+572>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101290e74 <+576>: sub x0, x29, #224 ; =224 0x101290e78 <+580>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101290e7c <+584>: ldr x0, [x20, #16] 0x101290e80 <+588>: mov x8, x19 0x101290e84 <+592>: bl 0x1015728cc ; cv::MatExpr::operator cv::Mat() const 0x101290e88 <+596>: b 0x101291338 ; <+1796> 0x101290e8c <+600>: cmp w0, #32, lsl #12 ; =131072 0x101290e90 <+604>: 0x10129115c ; <+1320> 0x101290e94 <+608>: tbnz w21, #31, 0x101290f18 ; <+740> 0x101290e98 <+612>: adrp x1, 983 0x101290e9c <+616>: add x1, x1, #1743 ; =1743 0x101290ea0 <+620>: add x0, sp, #832 ; =832 0x101290ea4 <+624>: movz w2, #0x5 0x101290ea8 <+628>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const*, unsigned long) 0x101290eac <+632>: adrp x1, 983 0x101290eb0 <+636>: add x1, x1, #1749 ; =1749 0x101290eb4 <+640>: add x0, sp, #808 ; =808 0x101290eb8 <+644>: orr w2, wzr, #0x6 0x101290ebc <+648>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::__1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const, unsigned long) 0x101290ec0 <+652>: adrp x1, 983 0x101290ec4 <+656>: add x1, x1, #678 ; =678 0x101290ec8 <+660>: add x0, sp, #784 ; =784 0x101290ecc <+664>: movz w2, #0x43 0x101290ed0 <+668>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::__init(char const, unsigned long) 0x101290ed4 <+672>: add x0, sp, #856 ; =856 0x101290ed8 <+676>: movn w1, #0xd6 0x101290edc <+680>: add x2, sp, #832 ; =832 0x101290ee0 <+684>: add x3, sp, #808 ; =808 0x101290ee4 <+688>: add x4, sp, #784 ; =784 0x101290ee8 <+692>: movz w5, #0x3c1 0x101290eec <+696>: bl 0x1012a5830 ; cv::Exception::Exception(int, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, int) 0x101290ef0 <+700>: add x0, sp, #856 ; =856 0x101290ef4 <+704>: bl 0x101576cb0 ; cv::error(cv::Exception const&) 0x101290ef8 <+708>: add x0, sp, #856 ; =856 0x101290efc <+712>: bl 0x1015769b8 ; cv::Exception::~Exception() 0x101290f00 <+716>: add x0, sp, #784 ; =784 0x101290f04 <+720>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101290f08 <+724>: add x0, sp, #808 ; =808 0x101290f0c <+728>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101290f10 <+732>: add x0, sp, #832 ; =832 0x101290f14 <+736>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101290f18 <+740>: ldr w8, [x20, #8] 0x101290f1c <+744>: ldr x9, [x20, #16] 0x101290f20 <+748>: ldpsw x10, x11, [x20, #24] 0x101290f24 <+752>: orr w12, wzr, #0x2 0x101290f28 <+756>: str w12, [x19, #4] 0x101290f2c <+760>: mov x12, x19 0x101290f30 <+764>: str w11, [x12, #8]! 0x101290f34 <+768>: and w13, w8, #0xfff 0x101290f38 <+772>: str w10, [x19, #12] 0x101290f3c <+776>: stp x9, xzr, [x19, #16] 0x101290f40 <+780>: str x9, [x19, #32] 0x101290f44 <+784>: stp xzr, xzr, [x19, #48] 0x101290f48 <+788>: str xzr, [x19, #40] 0x101290f4c <+792>: str x12, [x19, #64] 0x101290f50 <+796>: add x12, x19, #80 ; =80 0x101290f54 <+800>: stp x12, xzr, [x19, #72] 0x101290f58 <+804>: ubfx w12, w8, #3, #9 0x101290f5c <+808>: add w12, w12, #1 ; =1 0x101290f60 <+812>: lsl w8, w8, #1 0x101290f64 <+816>: and w8, w8, #0xe 0x101290f68 <+820>: movz w14, #0xfa50 0x101290f6c <+824>: lsr x8, x14, x8 0x101290f70 <+828>: and w8, w8, #0x3 0x101290f74 <+832>: lsl w8, w12, w8 0x101290f78 <+836>: sxtw x8, w8 0x101290f7c <+840>: mul x10, x8, x10 0x101290f80 <+844>: add w12, w23, #4, lsl #12 ; =16384 0x101290f84 <+848>: orr w12, w13, w12 0x101290f88 <+852>: str w12, [x19] 0x101290f8c <+856>: stp x10, x8, [x19, #80] 0x101290f90 <+860>: madd x8, x10, x11, x9 0x101290f94 <+864>: b 0x101291110 ; <+1244> 0x101290f98 <+868>: cmp w0, #64, lsl #12 ; =262144 0x101290f9c <+872>: 0x10129115c ; <+1320> 0x101290fa0 <+876>: ldr x8, [x20] 0x101290fa4 <+880>: ldr x8, [x8, #64] 0x101290fa8 <+884>: mov x0, x20 0x101290fac <+888>: mov x1, x21 0x101290fb0 <+892>: blr x8 0x101290fb4 <+896>: mov x22, x0 0x101290fb8 <+900>: ldr x24, [x20, #16] 0x101290fbc <+904>: tbnz w21, #31, 0x101290fe0 ; <+940> 0x101290fc0 <+908>: ldp x8, x9, [x24] 0x101290fc4 <+912>: sub x9, x9, x8 0x101290fc8 <+916>: lsr x9, x9, #3 0x101290fcc <+920>: movz w10, #0xaaaa, lsl #16 0x101290fd0 <+924>: movk w10, #0xaaab 0x101290fd4 <+928>: mul w9, w9, w10 0x101290fd8 <+932>: cmp w9, w21 0x101290fdc <+936>: 0x101291064 ; <+1072> 0x101290fe0 <+940>: adrp x1, 983 0x101290fe4 <+944>: add x1, x1, #1756 ; =1756 0x101290fe8 <+948>: add x0, sp, #440 ; =440 0x101290fec <+952>: orr w2, wzr, #0x1c 0x101290ff0 <+956>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const*, unsigned long) 0x101290ff4 <+960>: adrp x1, 983 0x101290ff8 <+964>: add x1, x1, #1749 ; =1749 0x101290ffc <+968>: add x0, sp, #416 ; =416 0x101291000 <+972>: orr w2, wzr, #0x6 0x101291004 <+976>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const*, unsigned long) 0x101291008 <+980>: adrp x1, 982 0x10129100c <+984>: add x1, x1, #678 ; =678 0x101291010 <+988>: add x0, sp, #392 ; =392 0x101291014 <+992>: movz w2, #0x43 0x101291018 <+996>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::__1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const, unsigned long) 0x10129101c <+1000>: add x0, sp, #464 ; =464 0x101291020 <+1004>: movn w1, #0xd6 0x101291024 <+1008>: add x2, sp, #440 ; =440 0x101291028 <+1012>: add x3, sp, #416 ; =416 0x10129102c <+1016>: add x4, sp, #392 ; =392 0x101291030 <+1020>: movz w5, #0x3d5 0x101291034 <+1024>: bl 0x1012a5830 ; cv::Exception::Exception(int, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, int) 0x101291038 <+1028>: add x0, sp, #464 ; =464 0x10129103c <+1032>: bl 0x101576cb0 ; cv::error(cv::Exception const&) 0x101291040 <+1036>: add x0, sp, #464 ; =464 0x101291044 <+1040>: bl 0x1015769b8 ; cv::Exception::~Exception() 0x101291048 <+1044>: add x0, sp, #392 ; =392 0x10129104c <+1048>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101291050 <+1052>: add x0, sp, #416 ; =416 0x101291054 <+1056>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101291058 <+1060>: add x0, sp, #440 ; =440 0x10129105c <+1064>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101291060 <+1068>: ldr x8, [x24] 0x101291064 <+1072>: sxtw x9, w21 0x101291068 <+1076>: orr w10, wzr, #0x18 0x10129106c <+1080>: madd x24, x9, x10, x8 0x101291070 <+1084>: ldp x8, x9, [x24] 0x101291074 <+1088>: cmp x8, x9 0x101291078 <+1092>: b.eq 0x10129111c ; <+1256> 0x10129107c <+1096>: ldr x8, [x20] 0x101291080 <+1100>: ldr x9, [x8, #48] 0x101291084 <+1104>: add x8, sp, #384 ; =384 0x101291088 <+1108>: mov x0, x20 0x10129108c <+1112>: mov x1, x21 0x101291090 <+1116>: blr x9 0x101291094 <+1120>: ldr x8, [x24] 0x101291098 <+1124>: and w9, w22, #0xfff 0x10129109c <+1128>: orr w10, wzr, #0x2 0x1012910a0 <+1132>: str w10, [x19, #4] 0x1012910a4 <+1136>: add x10, x19, #8 ; =8 0x1012910a8 <+1140>: ldrsw x11, [sp, #388] 0x1012910ac <+1144>: str w11, [x19, #8] 0x1012910b0 <+1148>: ldrsw x12, [sp, #384] 0x1012910b4 <+1152>: str w12, [x19, #12] 0x1012910b8 <+1156>: stp x8, xzr, [x19, #16] 0x1012910bc <+1160>: str x8, [x19, #32] 0x1012910c0 <+1164>: stp xzr, xzr, [x19, #48] 0x1012910c4 <+1168>: str xzr, [x19, #40] 0x1012910c8 <+1172>: str x10, [x19, #64] 0x1012910cc <+1176>: add x10, x19, #80 ; =80 0x1012910d0 <+1180>: stp x10, xzr, [x19, #72] 0x1012910d4 <+1184>: ubfx w10, w22, #3, #9 0x1012910d8 <+1188>: add w10, w10, #1 ; =1 0x1012910dc <+1192>: lsl w13, w22, #1 0x1012910e0 <+1196>: and w13, w13, #0xe 0x1012910e4 <+1200>: movz w14, #0xfa50 0x1012910e8 <+1204>: lsr x13, x14, x13 0x1012910ec <+1208>: and w13, w13, #0x3 0x1012910f0 <+1212>: lsl w10, w10, w13 0x1012910f4 <+1216>: sxtw x10, w10 0x1012910f8 <+1220>: mul x12, x12, x10 0x1012910fc <+1224>: add w13, w23, #4, lsl #12 ; =16384 0x101291100 <+1228>: orr w9, w9, w13 0x101291104 <+1232>: str w9, [x19] 0x101291108 <+1236>: stp x12, x10, [x19, #80] 0x10129110c <+1240>: madd x8, x12, x11, x8 0x101291110 <+1244>: str x8, [x19, #48] 0x101291114 <+1248>: str x8, [x19, #40] 0x101291118 <+1252>: b 0x101291338 ; <+1796> 0x10129111c <+1256>: str xzr, [x19, #88] 0x101291120 <+1260>: add x8, x19, #8 ; =8 0x101291124 <+1264>: str x8, [x19, #64] 0x101291128 <+1268>: add x8, x19, #80 ; =80 0x10129112c <+1272>: str xzr, [x19, #80] 0x101291130 <+1276>: str x8, [x19, #72] 0x101291134 <+1280>: str w23, [x19] 0x101291138 <+1284>: str wzr, [x19, #60] 0x10129113c <+1288>: stur xzr, [x19, #52] 0x101291140 <+1292>: stur xzr, [x19, #44] 0x101291144 <+1296>: stur xzr, [x19, #36] 0x101291148 <+1300>: stur xzr, [x19, #28] 0x10129114c <+1304>: stur xzr, [x19, #20] 0x101291150 <+1308>: stur xzr, [x19, #12] 0x101291154 <+1312>: stur xzr, [x19, #4] 0x101291158 <+1316>: b 0x101291338 ; <+1796> 0x10129115c <+1320>: adrp x1, 982 0x101291160 <+1324>: add x1, x1, #1785 ; =1785 0x101291164 <+1328>: add x0, sp, #240 ; =240 0x101291168 <+1332>: movz w2, #0x13 0x10129116c <+1336>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::__init(char const, unsigned long) 0x101291170 <+1340>: adrp x1, 982 0x101291174 <+1344>: add x1, x1, #1749 ; =1749 0x101291178 <+1348>: add x0, sp, #216 ; =216 0x10129117c <+1352>: orr w2, wzr, #0x6 0x101291180 <+1356>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const*, unsigned long) 0x101291184 <+1360>: adrp x1, 982 0x101291188 <+1364>: add x1, x1, #678 ; =678 0x10129118c <+1368>: add x0, sp, #192 ; =192 0x101291190 <+1372>: movz w2, #0x43 0x101291194 <+1376>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const*, unsigned long) 0x101291198 <+1380>: add x0, sp, #264 ; =264 0x10129119c <+1384>: movn w1, #0xd6 0x1012911a0 <+1388>: add x2, sp, #240 ; =240 0x1012911a4 <+1392>: add x3, sp, #216 ; =216 0x1012911a8 <+1396>: add x4, sp, #192 ; =192 0x1012911ac <+1400>: movz w5, #0x3db 0x1012911b0 <+1404>: bl 0x1012a5830 ; cv::Exception::Exception(int, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, int) 0x1012911b4 <+1408>: add x0, sp, #264 ; =264 0x1012911b8 <+1412>: bl 0x101576cb0 ; cv::error(cv::Exception const&) 0x1012911bc <+1416>: add x0, sp, #264 ; =264 0x1012911c0 <+1420>: bl 0x1015769b8 ; cv::Exception::~Exception() 0x1012911c4 <+1424>: add x0, sp, #192 ; =192 0x1012911c8 <+1428>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x1012911cc <+1432>: add x0, sp, #216 ; =216 0x1012911d0 <+1436>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x1012911d4 <+1440>: add x0, sp, #240 ; =240 0x1012911d8 <+1444>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x1012911dc <+1448>: ldr x20, [x20, #16] 0x1012911e0 <+1452>: tbnz w21, #31, 0x101291204 ; <+1488> 0x1012911e4 <+1456>: ldp x8, x9, [x20] 0x1012911e8 <+1460>: sub x9, x9, x8 0x1012911ec <+1464>: lsr x9, x9, #5 0x1012911f0 <+1468>: movz w10, #0xaaaa, lsl #16 0x1012911f4 <+1472>: movk w10, #0xaaab 0x1012911f8 <+1476>: mul w9, w9, w10 0x1012911fc <+1480>: cmp w9, w21 0x101291200 <+1484>: 0x101291288 ; <+1620> 0x101291204 <+1488>: adrp x1, 982 0x101291208 <+1492>: add x1, x1, #1805 ; =1805 0x10129120c <+1496>: add x0, sp, #48 ; =48 0x101291210 <+1500>: movz w2, #0x1b 0x101291214 <+1504>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const*, unsigned long) 0x101291218 <+1508>: adrp x1, 982 0x10129121c <+1512>: add x1, x1, #1749 ; =1749 0x101291220 <+1516>: add x0, sp, #24 ; =24 0x101291224 <+1520>: orr w2, wzr, #0x6 0x101291228 <+1524>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::__1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::init(char const, unsigned long) 0x10129122c <+1528>: adrp x1, 982 0x101291230 <+1532>: add x1, x1, #678 ; =678 0x101291234 <+1536>: mov x0, sp 0x101291238 <+1540>: movz w2, #0x43 0x10129123c <+1544>: bl 0x10161d810 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::__init(char const, unsigned long) 0x101291240 <+1548>: add x0, sp, #72 ; =72 0x101291244 <+1552>: movn w1, #0xd6 0x101291248 <+1556>: add x2, sp, #48 ; =48 0x10129124c <+1560>: add x3, sp, #24 ; =24 0x101291250 <+1564>: mov x4, sp 0x101291254 <+1568>: movz w5, #0x3df 0x101291258 <+1572>: bl 0x1012a5830 ; cv::Exception::Exception(int, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&, int) 0x10129125c <+1576>: add x0, sp, #72 ; =72 0x101291260 <+1580>: bl 0x101576cb0 ; cv::error(cv::Exception const&) 0x101291264 <+1584>: add x0, sp, #72 ; =72 0x101291268 <+1588>: bl 0x1015769b8 ; cv::Exception::~Exception() 0x10129126c <+1592>: mov x0, sp 0x101291270 <+1596>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101291274 <+1600>: add x0, sp, #24 ; =24 0x101291278 <+1604>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x10129127c <+1608>: add x0, sp, #48 ; =48 0x101291280 <+1612>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101291284 <+1616>: ldr x8, [x20] 0x101291288 <+1620>: sxtw x9, w21 0x10129128c <+1624>: orr w10, wzr, #0x60 0x101291290 <+1628>: madd x1, x9, x10, x8 0x101291294 <+1632>: ldr q0, [x1] 0x101291298 <+1636>: str d0, [x19] 0x10129129c <+1640>: ext.16b v0, v0, v0, #8 0x1012912a0 <+1644>: mov x12, x19 0x1012912a4 <+1648>: str d0, [x12, #8]! 0x1012912a8 <+1652>: add x10, x1, #4 ; =4 0x1012912ac <+1656>: ldr x11, [x1, #16] 0x1012912b0 <+1660>: str x11, [x12, #8] 0x1012912b4 <+1664>: ldr x11, [x1, #24] 0x1012912b8 <+1668>: str x11, [x12, #16] 0x1012912bc <+1672>: ldr x13, [x1, #32] 0x1012912c0 <+1676>: str x13, [x12, #24] 0x1012912c4 <+1680>: ldr x13, [x1, #40] 0x1012912c8 <+1684>: str x13, [x12, #32] 0x1012912cc <+1688>: ldr x13, [x1, #48] 0x1012912d0 <+1692>: str x13, [x12, #40] 0x1012912d4 <+1696>: ldr x13, [x1, #56] 0x1012912d8 <+1700>: stp x13, x12, [x12, #48] 0x1012912dc <+1704>: add x13, x12, #72 ; =72 0x1012912e0 <+1708>: str x13, [x12, #64] 0x1012912e4 <+1712>: stp xzr, xzr, [x12, #72] 0x1012912e8 <+1716>: cbz x11, 0x1012912fc ; <+1736> 0x1012912ec <+1720>: ldaxr w12, [x11] 0x1012912f0 <+1724>: add w12, w12, #1 ; =1 0x1012912f4 <+1728>: stlxr w13, w12, [x11] 0x1012912f8 <+1732>: cbnz w13, 0x1012912ec ; <+1720> 0x1012912fc <+1736>: ldr w10, [x10] 0x101291300 <+1740>: cmp w10, #2 ; =2 0x101291304 <+1744>: 0x10129132c ; <+1784> 0x101291308 <+1748>: orr w10, wzr, #0x60 0x10129130c <+1752>: madd x8, x9, x10, x8 0x101291310 <+1756>: ldr x8, [x8, #72] -> 0x101291314 <+1760>: ldr x9, [x8] 0x101291318 <+1764>: ldr x10, [x19, #72] 0x10129131c <+1768>: str x9, [x10] 0x101291320 <+1772>: ldr x8, [x8, #8] 0x101291324 <+1776>: str x8, [x10, #8] 0x101291328 <+1780>: b 0x101291338 ; <+1796> 0x10129132c <+1784>: str wzr, [x19, #4] 0x101291330 <+1788>: mov x0, x19 0x101291334 <+1792>: bl 0x10155862c ; cv::Mat::copySize(cv::Mat const&) 0x101291338 <+1796>: sub sp, x29, #64 ; =64 0x10129133c <+1800>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] 0x101291340 <+1804>: ldp x20, x19, [sp, #48] 0x101291344 <+1808>: ldp x22, x21, [sp, #32] 0x101291348 <+1812>: ldp x24, x23, [sp, #16] 0x10129134c <+1816>: ldp x28, x27, [sp], #80 0x101291350 <+1820>: ret
0x101291354 <+1824>: ldr q0, [x1] 0x101291358 <+1828>: str d0, [x19] 0x10129135c <+1832>: ext.16b v0, v0, v0, #8 0x101291360 <+1836>: mov x9, x19 0x101291364 <+1840>: str d0, [x9, #8]! 0x101291368 <+1844>: ldr x8, [x1, #16] 0x10129136c <+1848>: str x8, [x9, #8] 0x101291370 <+1852>: ldr x8, [x1, #24] 0x101291374 <+1856>: str x8, [x9, #16] 0x101291378 <+1860>: ldr x10, [x1, #32] 0x10129137c <+1864>: str x10, [x9, #24] 0x101291380 <+1868>: ldr x10, [x1, #40] 0x101291384 <+1872>: str x10, [x9, #32] 0x101291388 <+1876>: ldr x10, [x1, #48] 0x10129138c <+1880>: str x10, [x9, #40] 0x101291390 <+1884>: ldr x10, [x1, #56] 0x101291394 <+1888>: stp x10, x9, [x9, #48] 0x101291398 <+1892>: add x10, x9, #72 ; =72 0x10129139c <+1896>: str x10, [x9, #64] 0x1012913a0 <+1900>: stp xzr, xzr, [x9, #72] 0x1012913a4 <+1904>: cbz x8, 0x1012913b8 ; <+1924> 0x1012913a8 <+1908>: ldaxr w9, [x8] 0x1012913ac <+1912>: add w9, w9, #1 ; =1 0x1012913b0 <+1916>: stlxr w10, w9, [x8] 0x1012913b4 <+1920>: cbnz w10, 0x1012913a8 ; <+1908> 0x1012913b8 <+1924>: ldr w8, [x1, #4] 0x1012913bc <+1928>: cmp w8, #2 ; =2 0x1012913c0 <+1932>: 0x1012913cc ; <+1944> 0x1012913c4 <+1936>: ldr x8, [x1, #72] 0x1012913c8 <+1940>: b 0x101291314 ; <+1760> 0x1012913cc <+1944>: str wzr, [x19, #4] 0x1012913d0 <+1948>: mov x0, x19 0x1012913d4 <+1952>: sub sp, x29, #64 ; =64 0x1012913d8 <+1956>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] 0x1012913dc <+1960>: ldp x20, x19, [sp, #48] 0x1012913e0 <+1964>: ldp x22, x21, [sp, #32] 0x1012913e4 <+1968>: ldp x24, x23, [sp, #16] 0x1012913e8 <+1972>: ldp x28, x27, [sp], #80 0x1012913ec <+1976>: b 0x10155862c ; cv::Mat::copySize(cv::Mat const&) 0x1012913f0 <+1980>: mov x19, x0 0x1012913f4 <+1984>: b 0x10129142c ; <+2040> 0x1012913f8 <+1988>: mov x19, x0 0x1012913fc <+1992>: b 0x101291434 ; <+2048> 0x101291400 <+1996>: mov x19, x0 0x101291404 <+2000>: b 0x10129145c ; <+2088> 0x101291408 <+2004>: mov x19, x0 0x10129140c <+2008>: b 0x101291464 ; <+2096> 0x101291410 <+2012>: mov x19, x0 0x101291414 <+2016>: b 0x101291424 ; <+2032> 0x101291418 <+2020>: mov x19, x0 0x10129141c <+2024>: add x0, sp, #72 ; =72 0x101291420 <+2028>: bl 0x1015769b8 ; cv::Exception::~Exception() 0x101291424 <+2032>: mov x0, sp 0x101291428 <+2036>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x10129142c <+2040>: add x0, sp, #24 ; =24 0x101291430 <+2044>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101291434 <+2048>: add x0, sp, #48 ; =48 0x101291438 <+2052>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x10129143c <+2056>: b 0x10129156c ; <+2360> 0x101291440 <+2060>: mov x19, x0 0x101291444 <+2064>: b 0x101291454 ; <+2080> 0x101291448 <+2068>: mov x19, x0 0x10129144c <+2072>: add x0, sp, #264 ; =264 0x101291450 <+2076>: bl 0x1015769b8 ; cv::Exception::~Exception() 0x101291454 <+2080>: add x0, sp, #192 ; =192 0x101291458 <+2084>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x10129145c <+2088>: add x0, sp, #216 ; =216 0x101291460 <+2092>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101291464 <+2096>: add x0, sp, #240 ; =240 0x101291468 <+2100>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x10129146c <+2104>: b 0x10129156c ; <+2360> 0x101291470 <+2108>: mov x19, x0 0x101291474 <+2112>: b 0x1012914bc ; <+2184> 0x101291478 <+2116>: mov x19, x0 0x10129147c <+2120>: b 0x1012914c4 ; <+2192> 0x101291480 <+2124>: mov x19, x0 0x101291484 <+2128>: b 0x1012914fc ; <+2248> 0x101291488 <+2132>: mov x19, x0 0x10129148c <+2136>: b 0x101291504 ; <+2256> 0x101291490 <+2140>: mov x19, x0 0x101291494 <+2144>: b 0x10129155c ; <+2344> 0x101291498 <+2148>: mov x19, x0 0x10129149c <+2152>: b 0x101291564 ; <+2352> 0x1012914a0 <+2156>: mov x19, x0 0x1012914a4 <+2160>: b 0x1012914b4 ; <+2176> 0x1012914a8 <+2164>: mov x19, x0 0x1012914ac <+2168>: add x0, sp, #664 ; =664 0x1012914b0 <+2172>: bl 0x1015769b8 ; cv::Exception::~Exception() 0x1012914b4 <+2176>: add x0, sp, #592 ; =592 0x1012914b8 <+2180>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x1012914bc <+2184>: add x0, sp, #616 ; =616 0x1012914c0 <+2188>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x1012914c4 <+2192>: add x0, sp, #640 ; =640 0x1012914c8 <+2196>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x1012914cc <+2200>: b 0x10129156c ; <+2360> 0x1012914d0 <+2204>: mov x19, x0 0x1012914d4 <+2208>: b 0x10129152c ; <+2296> 0x1012914d8 <+2212>: mov x19, x0 0x1012914dc <+2216>: b 0x101291534 ; <+2304> 0x1012914e0 <+2220>: mov x19, x0 0x1012914e4 <+2224>: b 0x1012914f4 ; <+2240> 0x1012914e8 <+2228>: mov x19, x0 0x1012914ec <+2232>: add x0, sp, #856 ; =856 0x1012914f0 <+2236>: bl 0x1015769b8 ; cv::Exception::~Exception() 0x1012914f4 <+2240>: add x0, sp, #784 ; =784 0x1012914f8 <+2244>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x1012914fc <+2248>: add x0, sp, #808 ; =808 0x101291500 <+2252>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101291504 <+2256>: add x0, sp, #832 ; =832 0x101291508 <+2260>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x10129150c <+2264>: b 0x10129156c ; <+2360> 0x101291510 <+2268>: mov x19, x0 0x101291514 <+2272>: b 0x101291524 ; <+2288> 0x101291518 <+2276>: mov x19, x0 0x10129151c <+2280>: sub x0, x29, #200 ; =200 0x101291520 <+2284>: bl 0x1015769b8 ; cv::Exception::~Exception() 0x101291524 <+2288>: add x0, sp, #976 ; =976 0x101291528 <+2292>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x10129152c <+2296>: sub x0, x29, #248 ; =248 0x101291530 <+2300>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101291534 <+2304>: sub x0, x29, #224 ; =224 0x101291538 <+2308>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x10129153c <+2312>: b 0x10129156c ; <+2360> 0x101291540 <+2316>: mov x19, x0 0x101291544 <+2320>: b 0x101291554 ; <+2336> 0x101291548 <+2324>: mov x19, x0 0x10129154c <+2328>: add x0, sp, #464 ; =464 0x101291550 <+2332>: bl 0x1015769b8 ; cv::Exception::~Exception() 0x101291554 <+2336>: add x0, sp, #392 ; =392 0x101291558 <+2340>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x10129155c <+2344>: add x0, sp, #416 ; =416 0x101291560 <+2348>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x101291564 <+2352>: add x0, sp, #440 ; =440 0x101291568 <+2356>: bl 0x10161d864 ; symbol stub for: std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::~basic_string() 0x10129156c <+2360>: mov x0, x19 0x101291570 <+2364>: bl 0x10161f8b0 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x101291574 <+2368>: bl 0x100094380 ; __clang_call_terminate

DoubleJ87 commented 7 years ago

add error message to bellow.

libsystem_c.dylib`strlen: 0x1814e9040 <+0>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]! 0x1814e9044 <+4>: mov x29, sp 0x1814e9048 <+8>: and x1, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff0 -> 0x1814e904c <+12>: ldr q0, [x1] 0x1814e9050 <+16>: adr x3, #-208 ; ___lldb_unnamed_function1$$libsystem_c.dylib 0x1814e9054 <+20>: ldr q2, [x3], #16 0x1814e9058 <+24>: and x2, x0, #0xf 0x1814e905c <+28>: sub x3, x3, x2 0x1814e9060 <+32>: ldr q1, [x3] 0x1814e9064 <+36>: orr.16b v0, v0, v1 0x1814e9068 <+40>: b 0x1814e9074 ; <+52> 0x1814e906c <+44>: nop
0x1814e9070 <+48>: ldr q0, [x1, #16]! 0x1814e9074 <+52>: uminv.16b b1, v0 0x1814e9078 <+56>: fmov w2, s1 0x1814e907c <+60>: cbnz w2, 0x1814e9070 ; <+48> 0x1814e9080 <+64>: eor.16b v1, v1, v1 0x1814e9084 <+68>: cmhi.16b v0, v0, v1 0x1814e9088 <+72>: orr.16b v0, v0, v2 0x1814e908c <+76>: uminv.16b b1, v0 0x1814e9090 <+80>: fmov w2, s1 0x1814e9094 <+84>: sub x0, x1, x0 0x1814e9098 <+88>: add x0, x0, x2 0x1814e909c <+92>: ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16 0x1814e90a0 <+96>: ret