Cardano Indonesia Meeting: 05 March - 11 March 2023
Last Meeting - #75
Next Meeting - TBD
Andreas Sosilo (@andreassosilo)
Gorga Siagian (@gorgagian123)
Xavier Daniswara (@syarbel)
Andre Cahyadi (@andrecahyadi)
Andy Sibuea (@zicozibu)
Dani Ihza Farrosi (@danivideda)
Dion Setyotomo (@dionsetyotomo)
Felix (Pamankripto)
Jordy Vincent (@jordyvincent)
Caliburn (@CryptoCaliburn)
Fanny Wijaya (@Fny-ETH)
Ivan Kwananda (@ivankwan88)
Valdryan Ivandito (@ValdryanIvandito)
Yan Tirta (@YanTirta)
Pending Tasks
@andreassosilo needs to upload all of the remaining Zoom recording + intro + end screen for YouTube to @YanTirta
@YanTirta : combine the intro + recording + end screen + upload to YouTube channel "Komunitas Cardano Indonesia"
Meeting Topics
1. Eastern Town Hall Indonesia
Next meetup: Saturday, 11 March 2023
Topic: ???
Catalyst Fund 10 will start again in 2nd week of March 2023 (TBD)
Catalyst Incubator is an effort to structure all Eastern Town Hall programs (Eastern Catalyst School, bi-weekly meetup itself)
All existing programs will be integrated in Catalyst Incubator. Therefore, there will be minimum additional effort
Main target is new proposer and those who do not speak/write English properly
Business model: referrer goes to Eastern Town Hall. But for direct individual who create the proposal can request "x" number of USD in project management budget
Status: Corin from Australia will lead this project + participants will be onboarded
Dani & Mas Sonny Dhamayana applied for this incubator
Planning once a month offline meetup in Bare Coffee, Surabaya
Next meetup -> 05 March 2023, 18:00-20:00 : meetup organizer by @Fny-ETH
In Fund 10, @ivankwan88 & @Fny-ETH (proposer & co-proposer) + supported by Cardano Indonesia. Proposal: "Cardano Hub Surabaya" -> need to discuss regarding the budget breakdown & activities for 3 months -> has already been discussed need to be refined and continued
Cardano Hub Yogyakarta -> @YanTirta has meet again with Lutvi Rosyady -> UGM with Emurgo well held webinar, attendees will be reviewed as bases to continue future collaboration one example is catalyst education that will be teach by @zicozibu
9. Cardano Summit 2023 Jakarta
@andreassosilo : we get approval to host Cardano Summit 2023 Jakarta -> will be lead by @syarbel @andrecahyadi @CryptoCaliburn
The pic to summit registration for Cardano Summit 2023 is Bro Randy
Look for venue and event organizer company: @Fny-ETH has already found the venue and EO
Prepare for budget detail for Cardano Summit 2023 + speakers
@andreassosilo @YanTirta : need to have meeting & approve the final video (pending)
PIC: @Fny-ETH -> Coinstore -> want to increase awareness about Cardano -> try to check if we can do partnership -> Koh Irfan
Coinstore still awaits our proposal on how to collaborate (@Fny-ETH @YanTirta @ivankwan88 )
Remaining budget from Summit 2022 will be sharing with all team @abangedwin @andreassosilo @andrecahyadi @zicozibu @CryptoCaliburn @dionsetyotomo @Fny-ETH @Pamankripto @jordyvincent @syarbel @ValdryanIvandito @YanTirta >> 100% /12 = 8,3% from remaining budget
10. Cardano Indonesia Community Monthly Digest (March 2023)
@andreassosilo created monthly digest for DMarch 2023 in Cardano Forum (in progress)
11. Funded Proposals Progress Report
a. Cardano Hub Indonesia - Workshops
We are done -> Next step: Yan/Dion needs to edit & upload 17 videos + revision for all meetup recap + clean up GitHub rep + create 3-5 mins report video + 3 pages close-out report
Close out report: March 2023 (follow-up ASAP) @andreassosilo
Cardano Indonesia will be lead by @syarbel @ivankwan88 @Fny-ETH (proposer & co-proposer) -> accounting @Fny-ETH , lead @syarbel & @ivankwan88 , supported by all Cardano Indonesia team member
Target video edit week 1th March 2023 by @YanTirta
b. DID for Cardano Indonesia Community
Finished creating schema for booking ticket & check-in Cardano Summit 2022 Jakarta
Cardano Indonesia Meeting: 05 March - 11 March 2023
Andreas Sosilo (@andreassosilo) Gorga Siagian (@gorgagian123) Xavier Daniswara (@syarbel)
Andre Cahyadi (@andrecahyadi) Andy Sibuea (@zicozibu) Dani Ihza Farrosi (@danivideda) Dion Setyotomo (@dionsetyotomo) Felix (Pamankripto) Jordy Vincent (@jordyvincent) Caliburn (@CryptoCaliburn) Fanny Wijaya (@Fny-ETH) Ivan Kwananda (@ivankwan88) Valdryan Ivandito (@ValdryanIvandito) Yan Tirta (@YanTirta)
Pending Tasks
Meeting Topics
1. Eastern Town Hall Indonesia
2. Eastern Catalyst School Indonesia
3. Gimbalabs Indonesia
4. Catalyst Incubator
5. Social Engagement
6. Collaboration
7. Cardano Hub Surabaya
8. Cardano Hub Yogyakarta
9. Cardano Summit 2023 Jakarta
10. Cardano Indonesia Community Monthly Digest (March 2023)
11. Funded Proposals Progress Report
a. Cardano Hub Indonesia - Workshops
b. DID for Cardano Indonesia Community
13. Zoom Pro Account Cardano Indonesia