cardid / WebCard-IE

Smart Card Browser Plugin
MIT License
98 stars 35 forks source link

reader.connect method crashes in Linux #3

Open adricasti opened 9 years ago

adricasti commented 9 years ago

The source code includes a test page WebCard.html that can be opened locally to test the plugin (after it has been registered in the system). In Firefox running on Ubuntu 14.10 the page hangs when you present a card, however if you comment out line 40 then the card insert/remove events work just fine.

The problem seems to be with the connect method, if you manually open the console and do

var reader = webcard.readers[0];  // After this you can even see the ATR of the card if there is one
reader.connect(2); // This crashes

I am by no means a Linux expert so I don't know how you could debug this, but it could be useful as a pointer for someone who wants to have a look at it.