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New resource - LIGO Magazine #9

Open hannahm8 opened 2 years ago

hannahm8 commented 2 years ago

Hi Chris, The resource page is great, thanks for all your work on it! It would be great to include the LIGO Magazine as part of it. Cheers, Hannah

New resource

Complete the following template to record a new issue. Look at guidance in the README for more information on fields.

Resource Name: LIGO Magazine

Domain (mandatory): Education

Subject area (mandatory): Gravitational Waves; Physics; Astronomy; Coding; Multiwavelength Astronomy (list all that apply)

Type of resource (mandatory): Online; Reading

Other languages (optional):

URL (mandatory):

Image (optional): maybe we could use something like this? (If so, let me know and I can make it into the right size).

Description (mandatory): LIGO Magazine is published twice a year by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and details the latest research, news and personalities across the diverse group of members. It is available in PDF format as a free download from this website. New issues are typically released in March and September.

Author/Originator (mandatory): LIGO Scientific Collaboration

Curriculum links (optional): n/a

Age range (mandatory): 4-7; 7-9; 9-11; 11-14; 14-16; 16-18; Undergrad; Researcher (select all that apply)

Duration (optional): n/a

Requirements (optional): Any-device;

Your name (mandatory): Hannah Middleton (for the LIGO Magazine editorial team) /

chrisnorth commented 2 years ago

@hannahm8 Thanks - will get that added. Could I just check the age range? What the youngest you'd say it goes to?

hannahm8 commented 2 years ago

Thanks @chrisnorth! Let me know if I can be some help for an image

Ah woops, I missed the ages - I would guess older teenagers would the youngest age that might find it interesting. So maybe down to 14-16?

chrisnorth commented 2 years ago

@hannahm8 an image would be good - even the "LIGO Magazine" on 2 lines (so it's ~2:1 aspect ratio) would help.

hannahm8 commented 2 years ago

Sorry about the slow reply Chris - ended up a busy week! We should have an image for you soon :)

hannahm8 commented 2 years ago

Hi Chris - how about this for our image? Thanks! IGravLIGOMagazine

hannahm8 commented 2 months ago

Hi Chris! Hope things are well with you! I just remembered about this - was there anything else you needed from the LIGO Magazine? Thanks, Hannah