cardinalitypuzzles / cardboard

Dashboard for managing puzzles and tracking status during a puzzle hunt
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Consider killing puzzle text channels #499

Open rgossiaux opened 2 years ago

rgossiaux commented 2 years ago

Are these actually useful? Spreadsheets are kind of the de facto text communication method for puzzles. I feel like these just get in the way. Maybe we can have a configuration option to turn them on/off.

rgossiaux commented 2 years ago

I think last year my personal flow was to use these as an index for the voice channel links, which were otherwise hard to find when there are 40+ puzzles open. Maybe they're still worth keeping around until we've got some solution for that (?).

I also just took a peek at last years' text channels and a surprising number of them do in fact have content in them, so I don't think we can just kill them--at least not now.

rgossiaux commented 5 months ago

I feel more strongly about this now that we're back in person and have made Discord channel creation optional (obviating my old use case of "finding voice channels"). The puzzle text channels were almost entirely unused this year. I think we should make these off by default

@npinsker hunted remotely and probably has some opinions on the organization of our digital comms

npinsker commented 5 months ago

I thought remote collaboration was fine, but there's a bit of room for improvement if we're really motivated. Galactic uses Codex's software (meaning integrated sidebar chat) and a continuous stream of the room which makes it a lot easier to do remote/onsite collabs. Both did make a difference for me when I hunted remotely.

I strongly agree with everything you said over Discord, incl. that I don't like Sheets chat but I like Discord chat even less. Galactic also has Discord channels and we all ignore them lol -- wouldn't complain if you got rid of them (or just switched the default to off)