cardinalitypuzzles / cardboard

Dashboard for managing puzzles and tracking status during a puzzle hunt
MIT License
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Make tags trigger automated actions #705

Open rawxfish opened 6 months ago

rawxfish commented 6 months ago

i.e. "morse" makes it drop a morse code image in there, "crossword" makes it give wordplay's top crossword answers to clues

maximized commented 6 months ago

"drop a morse code image in there" - Is "there" the sheet or the Discord channel?

For the crossword suggestion, are you imagining a workflow where we

  1. Create a puzzle
  2. Fill the Google Sheet with crossword clues via copy to clipboard (or some other copy mechanism)
  3. We tag the puzzle in Cardboard with "crossword" and then we trigger an action that reads through the clues in the sheet, makes requests to Wordplay for each clue, and fills in the top answer(s) into the sheet.
rawxfish commented 6 months ago

I guess sheet? I feel like that one might be less useful and we also don't have a morse code tag usually.

Another workflow I can think of is automatically setting up sheets formulas for acrostics, not sure how easy that is.

maximized commented 6 months ago

Acrostics are a pain, but I don't know if there is a common enough format for their Copy to Clipboards that would allow us to set up formulas automatically. We can make a template that would make it easier to set up via formulas, but would still require manual effort.