cardinalitypuzzles / cardboard

Dashboard for managing puzzles and tracking status during a puzzle hunt
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fix dev environment #716

Closed rgossiaux closed 6 months ago

rgossiaux commented 6 months ago

collectstatic has been kind of broken in dev because the main.js file generated by webpack references some source map files in node_modules, and Django doesn't like the references to files that it doesn't know about.

This webpack plugin extracts these source map references, which fixes the collectstatic issue and probably also fixes source maps for 3rd party libraries if they were broken.

kcaze commented 6 months ago

Nice, this looks good to me. I had noticed the sourcemap issue occurring at one point as well but didn't know how to address it.

Shall we remove the usage the django_heroku in a separate PR and then also pin the django version?

akirabaruah commented 6 months ago

Nice, this looks good to me. I had noticed the sourcemap issue occurring at one point as well but didn't know how to address it.

Shall we remove the usage the django_heroku in a separate PR and then also pin the django version?

Yeah I think it'd make sense to clean up the django_heroku stuff in a separate PR since it's somewhat orthogonal to this change.