cardoso / ReduxMovieDB

🎥 See the upcoming movies! ReSwift + RxSwift 💖 Hacktoberfest 🎃
MIT License
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[NEW] Favorites #18

Open cardoso opened 5 years ago

cardoso commented 5 years ago

Allow user to favorite a movie (local persistence only)

ftp27 commented 4 years ago

I wonder how to open the favourites list? By tabs or navigation bar buttons? And where do you want to store it? UserDefaults can fit perfectly, no extra dependencies and CoreData stack. I don't think that a user can pick more than 50 films.

cardoso commented 4 years ago

@ftp27 I think UserDefaults is OK.

Navigation bar button for now is better. Tabs in the future.

This is my suggestion (you can think of something better if you want!)

Thanks for your help!