cardoso / ReduxMovieDB

🎥 See the upcoming movies! ReSwift + RxSwift 💖 Hacktoberfest 🎃
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[NEW] Option to setup reminder notification for movie release #22

Open cardoso opened 5 years ago

fbernutz commented 4 years ago

Hi, I would like to try to implement this.

I think, this feature consists of the following steps:

1) Add a Button in the navigation bar in MovieDetailVC with a bell. It has two different images, one for an active reminder and one for an inactive reminder. Do you have a favorite resource for icons? 2) Maybe we should display an information text for the user, that a local notification is scheduled and when the user taps on the button again, it says that the scheduled notification is removed. I don't know if you have a preferred way to show informations to the user. Please let me know if you have an idea. 3) Schedule the notification and display the notification on release date with movie title and description "Movie is now available" or something like that. Which time on the release day do you want to schedule the notifications? 4) Link to movie in the app when user interacts with the notification.

What do you think? Is there something missing?

cardoso commented 4 years ago

@fbernutz Thanks so much for thinking this through in detail!

  1. Perfect! I think we should use iOS 13 SF Symbols. More information here: (feel free to raise deployment target to 13)

The symbols I found best were "bell" (for will not notify) and "bell.fill" (for will notify) in the SFSymbols app.

  1. You can do an alert like "You will be be reminded at [local date and time] about the release of [movie]. [Confirm] [Cancel]". This should all be localized text. (

  2. Maybe 10 AM? It can be anything :)

  3. Yes! This would be great!

Nothing missing, but feel free to add more as you think.

fbernutz commented 4 years ago

Hi @cardoso, I don't think I can finish this in the next days/weeks. Would it help to make a WIP Pull Request Draft with the things I've implemented so far? So somebody else could continue working on it?