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Vim Mode #564

Open kemp opened 6 years ago

kemp commented 6 years ago

Any thoughts on adding a vim mode to the editor? :thinking:

Of course it would be optional for users. It would provide similar functionality to Sublime Text's Vintage Mode:

Vintage includes most basic actions: d (delete), y (copy), c (change), gu (lower case), gU (upper case), g~ (swap case), g? (rot13), < (unindent), and > (indent).

It also includes many motions, including l, h, j, k, W, w, e, E, b, B, alt+w (move by sub-words), alt+W (move backwards by sub-words), $, ^, %, 0, G, gg, f, F, t, T, ^f, ^b, H, M, and L.

Text objects are supported, including words, quotes, brackets and tags.

Repeat ('.') is in there, as is specifying counts for commands and motions. Registers are supported, as are macros and bookmarks. Many other miscellaneous commands are supported too, such and *, /, n, N, s, S and more.

P.S. Here's a quick introduction to Vim for the uninitiated.

Anyway, thanks for the active development in this fantastic editor! :100:

astoilkov commented 6 years ago

Hi @rockhopper72,

You are actually not the first to suggest that as you can see here and here. We are strongly considering this feature. However, it will probably take us some time until we implement it.

Thanks for the suggestions and the kind words.

evmin commented 6 years ago

+1 Looking forward to purchase the editor!

ru61sco commented 3 years ago

Plus one on the vim feature demand.