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Files do not persist across Chromebook restart #822

Closed jkff closed 5 years ago

jkff commented 5 years ago

I keep all kinds of random notes in an always-open window of a text editor (in several tabs). I normally used Sublime Text, but on CrOS I use Caret. The tabs serve as scratchpads and I don't save the files.

Unfortunately, if I power the Chromebook off and on, the files are lost. I've just lost some fairly valuable notes this way (I don't often power-cycle my Chromebook - this time it was just because it wanted to update the OS).

Please make the storage of unsaved files resilient to OS restarts.

astoilkov commented 5 years ago

Hi Eugene,

Can you share what version of Caret are you using? You can check that from the About Caret menu item.

Thanks in advance.

jkff commented 5 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the fast response. My Caret version is 1.8.13. In the OS update case, it seems like Caret also updated itself - however, I later double-checked that a regular no-update power cycle also discards the unsaved files.

astoilkov commented 5 years ago

Actually, we are currently working on Caret 4.0 Beta where this issue is fixed. I would recommend you to install Caret 4.0 from our website and try it out. Note that there is a difference in the UI, how the app operates and the shortcuts it uses.

jkff commented 5 years ago

Thanks Antonio - however, seems that Caret 4.0 is only available for Windows/Linux/Mac? I'm on ChromeOS (a Pixelbook). Is there a respective fix coming to ChromeOS too?

astoilkov commented 5 years ago

Hi Eugene,

I think I know what is going on here. You are probably talking about this project that is available on ChromeOS. However, we are not the creators of this project. The only connection between the projects is the name.

jkff commented 5 years ago

Oh I see, thank you!

astoilkov commented 5 years ago

Happy we figured it out. Closing this issue.