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Caret issues
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Table creation problems #823

Open jsmolka opened 5 years ago

jsmolka commented 5 years ago

I recently switched from the last stable Caret release to the newest Beta and I am experiencing problems with automatically creating tables. I used to write the following to create a table:

| head | head |

After that I pressed enter and Caret created a table. Now it doesn't work after startup (and sometimes randomly). I messed quite a bit with the keyboard shortcuts but I somewhat doubt that it has something do to with that.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Close Caret
  2. Create an empty markdown document
  3. Open it in Caret
  4. Try to create a table like I did above
astoilkov commented 5 years ago

Hi Julian,

Thanks for reporting this. We replicated the problem and will fix it in the next release.

jsmolka commented 5 years ago

Hi Antonio,

Thanks for the extremely quick response. If forgot to mention something in the issue. If you fill the table manually after step 4 like this

| head | head |
| ---- | ---- |

the auto completion for the following tables works again. I hope this helps to find the bug.