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Don’t show hidden files in file tree #838

Open lensbart opened 5 years ago

lensbart commented 5 years ago


The file tree doesn’t show system files by default. However, when the file tree contains Filename.xlsx and this file is currently opened in Excel, the file tree shows both Filename.xlsx and ~$Filename.xlsx. The latter is automatically created by Office when a file is opened, and gets deleted upon closing. I didn’t test, but assume that the same behaviour occurs with Word and PowerPoint files etc.

This file is hidden by default in Finder and I’m assuming that this is the behaviour that Caret wants to mimic.

Thanks for developing the best Markdown editor I’ve yet had the pleasure to use!

macOS Mojave version 10.14 Caret Beta version 4.0.0-rc21 (4.0.0-rc21)

astoilkov commented 5 years ago

Hi Bart,

This will be fixed in the next release.

Thanks for all the kind words in every issue you create. It feels awesome!