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Feature Request: Tab/File pane behavior #847

Open supersaiyansubtlety opened 5 years ago

supersaiyansubtlety commented 5 years ago

I've really been enjoying Caret so far but I find I end up with way too many tabs because clicking on a fie in the file pane always opens a new tab (unless it's already open in another tab).

I'd love to see an option to make tabs and the file pane work like the do in Xcode and Typora. When you single click on a file in the file pane, it displays it in the current tab. When you double click a file, it opens it in a new tab and switches to it.

The way it is now I eventually end up with each file open in its own tab and so tabs are effectively just a flattened list of files (unless I deliberately close tabs every time I switch files). The way Typora and Xcode do it seems more useful to me.

Thanks for the app, it's definitely the best I've found for taking notes with MD even with this minor annoyance.

astoilkov commented 5 years ago

Hi Will,

We agree this is an issue. The next major release will fix this behavior by changing who tabs work. I will write in this thread when this happens.

Thanks for the feedback.