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Caret issues
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Tasklists checked-item theming improvement #859

Closed eatcodeplay closed 6 months ago

eatcodeplay commented 5 years ago


i've been using Caret for a while now ( not using the Beta yet ). I've come to use the Task-Lists quite a lot, but always hated the way the checkbox looked on Win 10. So i finally decided to customize the dark-theme for myself.

Image of Yaktocat

I've been able to easily change the checkbox behaviour, but what i am missing, is the capability to strikethrough the text when an item is checked / completed.

While looking at your generated HTML i noticed the DOM Structure doesn't allow for manipulating the label or li to set the text as striked via CSS.

I suggest / would love to see a .checked css-class added to the li or label.

This way, current behaviour won't be affected, but if someone (me 😜 ) wants to actually do something with it, they can 😉

astoilkov commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the idea. We will see what we can do.