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Freezing in Win 10 64 bits #867

Open Li-An opened 5 years ago

Li-An commented 5 years ago

Hello, for some reason the program is freezing after a while (300 words). When I type, I have to wait before text is showing. I deactivated the antivirus with no difference.

astoilkov commented 5 years ago


We have been working on a new major version of Caret that has a new core. We hope this fixes such issues.

holly-hacker commented 4 years ago

I also get consistent freezes, especially when editing larger tables. They make Caret unusable to the point where I have to kill and restart it to be able to continue writing.

Li-An commented 4 years ago

No news about the new version. I chose to go on first version of Caret for the moment.

astoilkov commented 4 years ago

We are working full time to bring you the next version. Everything is going great but we still need more time.

Li-An commented 4 years ago

OK. Thanks for the news.