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Question/Bug: Is Undo Broken on the Mac? #902

Open jmattlandrum opened 3 years ago

jmattlandrum commented 3 years ago

Just downloaded yesterday. Undo doesn't seem to be working for me. Is this a knwn issue?

Version 4.0.0-rc23 (4.0.0-rc23)

astoilkov commented 3 years ago


No, we aren't aware of this problem. Does hitting undo do nothing or it performs the wrong operation? How are you triggering undo – with keyboard or through the menu? If it is through the keyboard what keyboard layout do you use?

Thanks in advance.

jmattlandrum commented 3 years ago

Hi, it just does nothing. I have tried through keyboard and the menu. I am using a Windows keyboard and chrome. I haven't rebooted since the install, but I can't imagine that helping anything.

Thanks for the timely response. I wish there was a way for me to give more info. It just doesn't work.

jmattlandrum commented 3 years ago

After reboot, the keyboard shortcut works, but the menu command does not. There is a small chance I was using the wrong keyboard shortcut before, but I doubt it as it's one I use all the time. Still, I am not 100% confidident.

Anyway, this moves the issue to very low priority for me. I am happy to help though if you want to figure out what's going on with the menu command.


astoilkov commented 3 years ago

I successfully replicated the problem with Undo from the menu. Thanks!