Open edegraaff opened 1 year ago
I made some progress, this is what i have managed to reach: Building SoapyRemote from zero failed on the pi zero. pi os light 64 bit
increase swap \ sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile CONF_SWAPSIZE=2048 sudo dphys-swapfile setup sudo dphys-swapfile swapon sudo reboot
sudo apt-get install soapysdr-module-all libsoapysdr-dev soapysdr-tools build-essential git add : dtparam=i2c_arm=on
sudo apt-get install soapyremote-server
sudo SoapySDRUtil --find ######################################################
[INFO] SoapyCaribouliteSession, sessionCount: 0 02-19 18:35:24.698 897 897 I CARIBOULITE Setup cariboulite_init_driver_minimal@cariboulite_setup.c:560 driver initializing 02-19 18:35:24.698 897 897 I CARIBOULITE Setup cariboulite_init_driver_minimal@cariboulite_setup.c:569 Initializing signals 02-19 18:35:24.698 897 897 I CARIBOULITE Setup cariboulite_setup_signal_handler@cariboulite_setup.c:687 setting up signal handler 02-19 18:35:24.698 897 897 I CARIBOULITE Setup cariboulite_setup_io@cariboulite_setup.c:202 Setting up board I/Os 02-19 18:35:24.699 897 897 I IO_UTILS_Main io_utils_setup@io_utils.c:26 initializing pigpio 02-19 18:35:24.699 897 897 V initInitialise@pigpio.c:8306 Can't lock /var/run/ 02-19 18:35:24.699 897 897 E IO_UTILS_Main io_utils_setup@io_utils.c:36 initializing pigpio failed 02-19 18:35:24.699 897 897 E CARIBOULITE Setup cariboulite_setup_io@cariboulite_setup.c:205 Error setting up io_utils [ERROR] cariboulite_init_driver() failed 02-19 18:35:24.699 897 897 I CARIBOULITE Setup cariboulite_setup_signal_handler@cariboulite_setup.c:687 setting up signal handler Printing 'findCariboulite' Request: [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 10.2.1 20201207; Boost_107400; UHD_3.15.0.0-4+b1 Found device 0 channel = S1G device_id = 0 driver = Cariboulite label = CaribouLite S1G[ab0e17a0] name = CaribouLite RPI Hat serial = ab0e17a0 uuid = 457dca56-0d60-41c2-9d9a-83b72f69af2d vendor = CaribouLabs LTD version = 0x0001
Found device 1 channel = HiF device_id = 1 driver = Cariboulite label = CaribouLite HiF[ab0e17a1] name = CaribouLite RPI Hat serial = ab0e17a1 uuid = 457dca56-0d60-41c2-9d9a-83b72f69af2d vendor = CaribouLabs LTD version = 0x0001
Found device 2 default_input = True default_output = True device_id = 0 driver = audio label = PulseAudio
Found device 3 channel = S1G device_id = 0 driver = remote label = CaribouLite S1G[ab0e17a0] name = CaribouLite RPI Hat remote = tcp:// remote:driver = Cariboulite serial = ab0e17a0 uuid = 457dca56-0d60-41c2-9d9a-83b72f69af2d vendor = CaribouLabs LTD version = 0x0001
Found device 4 channel = HiF device_id = 1 driver = remote label = CaribouLite HiF[ab0e17a1] name = CaribouLite RPI Hat remote = tcp:// remote:driver = Cariboulite serial = ab0e17a1 uuid = 457dca56-0d60-41c2-9d9a-83b72f69af2d vendor = CaribouLabs LTD version = 0x0001
Found device 5 default_input = True default_output = True device_id = 0 driver = remote label = PulseAudio remote = tcp:// remote:driver = audio
I am able to connect from the openwebrx to the SoapySDRserver but signal is bad if i make a signal with my porto i see it in the waterfall, but the freq should be 434.700 and it is projected at 434.925 mhz
Also the sample rate can not be higher than 1 since otherwise the stream is getting hickups.
Can you give me some insite on what you did to get openwebrx to connect... I have openwebrx installed and soapy stuff enabled but I keep getting a error saying bad sample rate. I have tried multiple sample rates and its all the same output. what sample rate are you using and how do you have the device settings/profile page in openwebrx? This is my output....
user@caribou:~ $ sudo docker run --tmpfs=/tmp/openwebrx --device /dev/bus/usb -p 8073:8073 -v openwebrx-settings:/var/lib/openwebrx jketterl/openwebrx-full [s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0. [s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0. [fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes... [fix-attrs.d] done. [cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts... [cont-init.d] done. [services.d] starting services [services.d] done. 2023-03-01 07:21:41,718 - owrx.main - INFO - OpenWebRX version v1.3.0-dev starting up... 2023-03-01 07:21:43,464 - owrx.source.rtlsdr - INFO - Started sdr source: rtl_connector -g 29 -s 2400000 -f 438800000 -p 49475 -c 53285 2023-03-01 07:21:43,478 - owrx.source.rtlsdr - INFO - STDOUT: setting up control socket... 2023-03-01 07:21:43,479 - owrx.source.rtlsdr - INFO - STDOUT: control socket started on 53285 2023-03-01 07:21:43,481 - owrx.source.rtlsdr - INFO - STDOUT: socket setup complete, waiting for connections 2023-03-01 07:21:43,494 - owrx.source.rtlsdr - WARNING - STDERR: No supported devices found. 2023-03-01 07:21:43,494 - owrx.source.rtlsdr - WARNING - STDERR: no device found. 2023-03-01 07:21:43,496 - owrx.source.rtlsdr - WARNING - STDERR: Connector::open() failed 2023-03-01 07:21:43,569 - owrx.source.rtlsdr - ERROR - Exception during postStart() Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/source/", line 366, in start self.postStart() File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/source/", line 57, in postStart self.controlSocket.connect(("localhost", self.controlPort)) ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused 2023-03-01 07:21:43,573 - owrx.connection - WARNING - SDR device "RTL-SDR USB Stick" has failed, selecting new device 2023-03-01 07:21:43,598 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - INFO - Started sdr source: soapy_connector -d 1,driver=remote,remote= -s 24000 -f 99500000 -p 56047 -c 60283 2023-03-01 07:21:43,608 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - INFO - STDOUT: setting up control socket... 2023-03-01 07:21:43,609 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - INFO - STDOUT: control socket started on 60283 2023-03-01 07:21:43,610 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - INFO - STDOUT: socket setup complete, waiting for connections 2023-03-01 07:21:43,707 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - INFO - STDOUT: control connection established 2023-03-01 07:21:43,709 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - INFO - STDOUT: client connection established 2023-03-01 07:21:43,820 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: [INFO] SoapyRemote::setupRxStream(remoteFormat=CS16, localFormat=CF32, scaleFactor=65536, mtu=1500, window=44040192) 2023-03-01 07:21:43,821 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: [INFO] Client side stream bound to 2023-03-01 07:21:43,823 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: [INFO] Client side status bound to 2023-03-01 07:21:43,823 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: [INFO] Using format CS16. 2023-03-01 07:21:43,824 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: [INFO] Server side stream bound to [::ffff:]:50285 2023-03-01 07:21:43,825 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: [INFO] Server side stream connected to [::ffff:]:49236 2023-03-01 07:21:43,826 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: [INFO] Server side status connected to [::ffff:]:34068 2023-03-01 07:21:43,827 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: [WARNING] StreamEndpoint resize socket buffer: set 43008 KiB, got 176 KiB 2023-03-01 07:21:43,828 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: [INFO] Configured sender endpoint: dgram=1452 bytes, 357 elements @ 4 bytes, window=176 KiB 2023-03-01 07:21:43,829 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: [INFO] Client side stream connected to 2023-03-01 07:21:43,830 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: [WARNING] StreamEndpoint resize socket buffer: set 43008 KiB, got 176 KiB 2023-03-01 07:21:43,831 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: [INFO] Configured receiver endpoint: dgram=1452 bytes, 357 elements @ 4 bytes, window=176 KiB 2023-03-01 07:21:43,832 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' 2023-03-01 07:21:43,833 - owrx.source.82f30d08-e57d-4394-8b44-c53d9b036fda - WARNING - STDERR: what(): RemoteError: RtAudio init error 'RtApiPulse::probeDeviceOpen: unsupported sample rate. 2023-03-01 07:21:44,083 - owrx.connection - WARNING - SDR device "Caribou Lite 0" has failed, selecting new device 2023-03-01 07:21:45,611 - owrx.connection - WARNING - no more SDR devices available 2023-03-01 07:21:45,697 - owrx.bands - WARNING - Frequency for wspr on 60m is not within band limits: 5287200 2023-03-01 07:21:45,704 - owrx.bands - WARNING - Frequency for wspr on 4m is not within band limits: 70091000 2023-03-01 07:21:45,705 - owrx.bands - WARNING - Frequency for msk144 on 4m is not within band limits: 70230000 2023-03-01 07:21:45,709 - owrx.bands - WARNING - Frequency for q65 on 13cm is not within band limits: 2301065000 2023-03-01 07:21:45,710 - owrx.bands - WARNING - Frequency for q65 on 13cm is not within band limits: 2304065000 2023-03-01 07:21:45,715 - owrx.websocket - ERROR - Exception in websocket handler handleTextMessage() Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/", line 227, in read_loop self.messageHandler.handleTextMessage(self, message) File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/", line 507, in handleTextMessage conn.setMessageHandler(client(conn)) File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/", line 161, in init self.setSdr() File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/", line 332, in setSdr self.sdr.addClient(self) File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/source/", line 438, in addClient self.start() File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/source/", line 372, in start File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/source/", line 186, in fail c.onFail() File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/", line 247, in onFail self.setSdr() File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/", line 332, in setSdr self.sdr.addClient(self) File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/source/", line 438, in addClient self.start() File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/source/", line 374, in start self.setState(SdrSourceState.RUNNING) File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/source/", line 496, in setState c.onStateChange(state) File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/", line 242, in onStateChange self.handleSdrAvailable() File "/opt/openwebrx/owrx/", line 338, in handleSdrAvailable self.sdr.addSpectrumClient(self) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'addSpectrumClient' 2023-03-01 07:21:45,719 - owrx.connection - WARNING - not answering client request since handshake is not complete 2023-03-01 07:21:45,721 - owrx.connection - WARNING - not answering client request since handshake is not complete 2023-03-01 07:21:45,722 - owrx.connection - WARNING - not answering client request since handshake is not complete 2023-03-01 07:21:46,681 - owrx.connection - WARNING - not answering client request since handshake is not complete 2023-03-01 07:21:46,682 - owrx.connection - WARNING - not answering client request since handshake is not complete
I use a sample rate of 1 higer will fail, reason unknown ipnr:55132 ac access
I tried that still failed. Could you please post screenshots of how you have the device set up in OpenWebRX. Im not even sure I have that part correct.
With the last install on my pi4 i failed to get it working with openwebrx... will give it a new try after clean install. It is still not good enough and imho the board and software in a development stage. There is some progress, but i still mis the standard "build it like this and it will work" approach. Some reports show a working solution but in my environment it is still experimental.
This was likely solved in antoher issue/time, but I see the line in the log presented:
2023-03-01 07:21:43,464 - owrx.source.rtlsdr - INFO - Started sdr source: rtlconnector -g 29 **-s 2400000_** -f 438800000 -p 49475 -c 53285
The -s 2400000 above should be -s 4000000, or 4MHz in the config sample rate setup.
More info, in my setup the connection data looks like this:
INFO - Started sdr source: soapy_connector -P 0 -s 4000000 -d serial=f4a09ad9,driver=remote,remote=,remote:driver=Cariboulite -g 40.0 -f 7074000 -p 49005 -c 50751
Note the Cariboulite, not CaribouLite - a lower case L. SoapySDRUtil --find should show 4 devices, the 2nd pair look like dupes but driver=remote.
I found that when SoapySDRServer is started up at boot time, the remote devices do not appear and OpenWebRX cannot find any devices.(No remote devices). When I stop and restart "sudo SoapySDRServer --bind" it then works, I get all 4. Could have to do with the order of the server vs openwebrx serv er and client activities, but I am suspecting SoapySDRServer is not starting up right, investigating that now.
I have it working, posted it in another threat to.
When the project strated and i signed in for this board one of my questions was : Will the board run with OpenWebRX and there was stated Yes it will! This was for me one of the reasons to support the board since that could be a great SDR solution, the Cariboulite in combination with a great websdr.
Does someone have any clue you i should get this working since the board is not in the list of supported SDR's and i could imagine some work needs to be done to get it gooing but would be great ...