cariboulabs / cariboulite

CaribouLite turns any 40-pin Raspberry-Pi into a Tx/Rx 6GHz SDR
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recompile raspian 64 bit full what sdr software does full ingegration wit carbulite? #86

Open edegraaff opened 1 year ago

edegraaff commented 1 year ago

Since i am puzzeling for weeks to be able to receive a signal, from my porto or even a radiostation... i am able to compile without issues on a pi4 and pi zero 2w What sdr program or best way to go forward and working to tune and listen to signals. I am using raspbian 64 full gui version on a pi4

sudo SoapySDRUtil --find does recognise the sdr MODEM Version: AT86RF215IQ (without basebands), version: 03Printing 'findCariboulite' Request: Found device 0 channel = S1G device_id = 0 driver = Cariboulite label = CaribouLite S1G[ab0e17a0] name = CaribouLite RPI Hat serial = ab0e17a0 uuid = 457dca56-0d60-41c2-9d9a-83b72f69af2d vendor = CaribouLabs LTD version = 0x0001

Found device 1 channel = HiF device_id = 1 driver = Cariboulite label = CaribouLite HiF[ab0e17a1] name = CaribouLite RPI Hat serial = ab0e17a1 uuid = 457dca56-0d60-41c2-9d9a-83b72f69af2d vendor = CaribouLabs LTD version = 0x0001

What i found out: I need to run pi@caribu-sdr:~ $ sudo SoapySDRServer --bind ######################################################

Soapy Server -- Use any Soapy SDR remotely


Server version: 0.6.0-gf375555e Server UUID: fc00f1e6-4eeb-174d-8567-1b10007f0101 Launching the server... tcp://[::]:55132 Server bound to [::]:55132 Launching discovery server... Connecting to DNS-SD daemon... [INFO] Avahi version: avahi 0.8 [INFO] Avahi hostname: caribu-sdr [INFO] Avahi domain: local [INFO] Avahi FQDN: caribu-sdr.local [INFO] avahi_entry_group_add_service(caribu-sdr._soapy._tcp) Press Ctrl+C to stop the server Then i am also further when i ignore this error image What could cause this? When i ignore the error i can select two sdr inputs: image From there the errors stay and it does not work at least i can;t get a working waterfall. image

As sound test youtube gives sound over hdmi When i make the output to HDMI the sound does work

K7MDL2 commented 1 year ago

The S1G device you selected is limited to certain frequency ranges. Your hardware interface says you are trying to tune at 400KHz which is out of range for S1G. Can try 400Mhz which is just in range, better select the HiF 6GHz interface with a frequency above 1Mhz, preferable above 30MHz until things are working.

edegraaff commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your comment, i tried it but seems still to fail, i am also not able to get the waterfall working, and or sound out of it... Getting the whole working seems a process of hard working and trying:-(

K7MDL2 commented 1 year ago

Edit: Hours later digging through the build automation scripts and debug logs, I got things mostly working, see details in issue #66.

Original message: I have been trying on a Pi4B a few SDR apps, still looking for success. I can get RTLSDR direct and sometimes via SoapySDRServer working, or SDRpp Server, but when selecting CaribouLite radios I get no data transferred, usually get error messages on the server side saying SMI timed out. Tried CubicSR, SDR++, now building SDRAngel. The cariboulite test apps work fine as does SDRUtil. Many library build variations tried. So close, but not quite. So you are not alone :-). It will take some time to work out the finer points.