carlSankey / ARX

Alternate Reality X
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Update #1

Open bob0bob opened 10 months ago

bob0bob commented 10 months ago

Carl, If you are branching the code out and going to do it on your own. Please remove reference to my website as I'm not part of this branch.

Thanks. Kevin

carlSankey commented 10 months ago

No problem, If you would rather I kept this branch private or removed it altogether then let me know. As for you not being part of this branch, then I slightly disagree (but that's Ok) because without you I would have had to start from where I left off in 2000 using VB7. I meant no offence or steeling your glory, but I do want to do two things

  1. Help learn better coding
  2. Revive an old game that I spent months playing (and never completed until emulators and cheats came along) I will update the Readme to reflect the change of direction. Thanks again for all the hard work you and previous people have done to get it this far. An amazing effort all around.
bob0bob commented 10 months ago

Check out my new video for current updates.

bob0bob commented 10 months ago

I wish you luck in the adventure, My code is 100% based on the disassembly of the Dungeon Code. It is about 98% accurate to the Dungeon game play. With a mixture of the City (Amiga and 8-bit). You should check it out, because it is code complete and I'm working on enhancement feature to make the city payable. The city before was boring and only thing to do was wait for encounter to build player. Now it has quests and interactions with NPC and many more things.

carlSankey commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the best wishes. I have only really started doing this in a bit of spare time. I don't want to take any of the traffic away from your port. I have updated the Readme (let me know if you want me to change anything else). I agree the city was not as much fun as the Dungeon. I also have some ideas on how to add the additional scenes to the game and have created some maps on paper and some ideas of quest type objectives, keeping in with the style of the Dungeon. For example Why was there Robins Hood without Robins Bow? or Morganas Tiara but no Lancelot's Ring, sword or mirror? Do you mean payable or playable? if you mean payable then I think it would be right if I removed this branch and played around with it in private.

bob0bob commented 10 months ago

I meant playable.

Have fun, I will be releasing beta version of the city in the next few weeks/

bob0bob commented 10 months ago

Also, just to let you know this style of OpenGL is deprecated and there are some graphics cards that do not support it anymore. It is extremely old. It doesn't support shaders and such. It would be a huge upgrade to get it to that point. That is why I stopped it and moved it to a language I like. Java, since I needed to convert it to a new version of OpenGL. I look the time to convert it to Java to handle new OpenGL and shaders. I've done a ton of stuff inside the shaders that make the game look so much better.

Lighting and many other parts of the graphics.

Larsone93 commented 10 months ago

I'm looking forward to the Java version, although setting up the project in Eclipse and building with MinGW has brought back some skills from deep storage. I may keep playing around with the C/C++ version at home to see if I can convert the Makefile into gradle and things like that.

bob0bob commented 10 months ago

I will keep checking back to see what you have done. Always interested in learning new things.

I have 2 complete versions of the city, one in my OWN engine, and another in a open source engine (converted it about a year ago). Make it easier not having to worry about low level stuff.

crpgdev commented 10 months ago

Hi Carl,

I don't know if you remember but I put together Alternate Reality X up to version 0.82. Best of luck with expanding on this. Some of my code (written over many years) was not structured too well so feel free to give me a shout if I can help in anyway :) My email address is still the one in the readme.

Kevin, Hope you are doing well and look forward to seeing your Java remake.

carlSankey commented 9 months ago

I noticed that you (bob0bob) had a map builder. That would be of interest. I will hopefully get another release (with all items and effects) out in the next 19 days, but as I'm only a hobbyist and life is quite demanding on my time I might not hit my self-imposed deadline. I don't plan on touching on any of the graphics parts of the system until I have added all of the ideas I have (which might mean I have to create some 16-bit graphics for new/old areas). Unfortunately, if the graphics don't work on the PC/.Graphics card you are trying then I can't fix it at the moment. I did toy around, moving the project to Unreal (but that's a pipe dream at present). Wish me luck

bob0bob commented 9 months ago

Hi Carl,
Good luck with it. Yes, I created a Complete Map Editor. Saves hundreds of hours. It is not just a map editor, it is a complete game editor. Edit Maps, Items, Spells (all items, spells, potions are all the same thing if you do it to code). It is entirely based on one loop to handle everything in the game. NPC editor, Encounter viewer.

bob0bob commented 9 months ago

I would suggest converting it, because it uses an opengl that is deprecated for years and there are many graphics card out there that do not support it. That version doesn't support shaders, it is opengel 1.1 ( I think).

carlSankey commented 9 months ago

According to the startup screen it's using OpenGl 4.6.0.

bob0bob commented 9 months ago

I'm sorry, its is the style of opengl. not the library.