carla-recourse / CARLA

CARLA: A Python Library to Benchmark Algorithmic Recourse and Counterfactual Explanation Algorithms
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Small errors with new REViSE, CCHVAE, and CRUD code #184

Open aredelmeier opened 1 year ago

aredelmeier commented 1 year ago


Since the latest release of CARLA, I think there are some errors that have popped up.

The biggest problem is that (I believe) the dimension of the input layer of the VAE has to be adjusted for REViSE, CCHVAE, and CRUD if the immutable_mask contains at least one TRUE.

In addition, when running the methods on a GPU, there is some code that has to be adjusted (so far, I've only found problems for these three methods but I haven't tested all of them).

I'm not an expert on these methods, but can I do a pull request where I make changes to these methods such that they run again (on GPU)? Thanks,


JohanvandenHeuvel commented 1 year ago


1) If I remember correctly the dimension of the input layer of the VAE is a hyperparameter. For example when testing REVISE there is the following:

    vae_params = {
        "layers": [sum(model.get_mutable_mask()), 512, 256, 8],
        "epochs": 1,

but I'm not sure if that's the problem that you mean.

2) The reason the code doesn't really work for GPU is just mainly because my laptop doesn't have a GPU, so I never really tested that. Plus the automated testing on GitHub also uses the CPU. It should be easy to fix though I think. A pull request fixing that would be great!

JohanvandenHeuvel commented 1 year ago

Is what is described for 1. a good solution for this issue?

And 2. is being fixed in PR 187.

aredelmeier commented 1 year ago

Hi, Yes for 1. that solutions works.

  1. It might be nice to update experimental_setup.yaml to reflect this.

  2. I also noticed that the Quickstart in the README no longer works. I think it should be changed to something like

    from import OnlineCatalog
    from carla.models.catalog import MLModelCatalog
    from carla.models.negative_instances import predict_negative_instances
    from carla.recourse_methods.catalog import GrowingSpheres

load a catalog dataset

data_name = "adult" dataset = OnlineCatalog(data_name)

load artificial neural network from catalog

model = MLModelCatalog(dataset, "ann", "tensorflow")

get factuals from the data to generate counterfactual examples

factuals = predict_negative_instances(model, dataset.df) test_factual = factuals.iloc[:5]

load a recourse model and pass black box model

gs = GrowingSpheres(model)

generate counterfactual examples

counterfactuals = gs.get_counterfactuals(test_factual)

5. In the ```feature/tutorial-notebook``` branch, in ```notebooks/how_to_use_carla.ipynb```, under CCHVAE, 
hyperparams = {
    "n_search_samples": 100,
    "p_norm": 1,
    "step": 0.1,
    "max_iter": 1000,
    "clamp": True,
    "binary_cat_features": False,
    "vae_params": {
        "layers": [len(ml_model.feature_input_order), 512, 256, 8],
        "train": True,
        "lambda_reg": 1e-6,
        "epochs": 5,
        "lr": 1e-3,
        "batch_size": 32,

should be changed to

hyperparams = {
    "n_search_samples": 100,
    "p_norm": 1,
    "step": 0.1,
    "max_iter": 1000,
    "clamp": True,
    "binary_cat_features": False,
    "vae_params": {
        "layers": [sum(model.get_mutable_mask()), 512, 256, 8],
        "train": True,
        "lambda_reg": 1e-6,
        "epochs": 5,
        "lr": 1e-3,
        "batch_size": 32,
  1. Finally, in the main branch, carla/recourse_methods/catalog/focus/ is currently empty.
JohanvandenHeuvel commented 1 year ago
  1. I'll take a look at that.
  2. Thanks, I'll also update that.
  3. That branch is outdated, I deleted it now. Should use this instead:
  4. The tree models are moved, but I don't know why the file is still there. I'll update that as well.
aredelmeier commented 1 year ago

Great! Looking forward to see all the changes :)