I think the current implementation is not working properly.
I have created a client classs using this obstacle that I want to use for "line of sight":
class LineOfSightSensor(object):
def __init__(self, parent_actor, hud):
self.sensor = None
self._history = []
self._parent = parent_actor
self._hud = hud
self._event_count = 0
self.sensor_transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.6, z=1.7), carla.Rotation(yaw=0)) # Put this sensor on the windshield of the car.
world = self._parent.get_world()
bp = world.get_blueprint_library().find('sensor.other.obstacle')
bp.set_attribute('distance', '200')
bp.set_attribute('hit_radius', '12')
bp.set_attribute('only_dynamics', 'true')
#bp.set_attribute('debug_linetrace', 'true')
bp.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '1')
self.sensor = world.spawn_actor(bp, self.sensor_transform, attach_to=self._parent)
weak_self = weakref.ref(self)
self.sensor.listen(lambda event: LineOfSightSensor._on_LOS(weak_self, event))
def _on_LOS(weak_self, event):
self = weak_self()
if not self:
print (str(event.other_actor))
if event.other_actor.type_id.startswith('vehicle.'):
print ("Event %s, in line of sight with %s at distance %u" % (self._event_count, event.other_actor.type_id, event.distance))
self._event_count += 1
I am assuming that specifying the distance as 200 is the "length" of the raycast and hit_radius is the "thickness" of the line.
The results that I am getting are confusing:
Here some output logs:
Actor(id=0, type=static.vegetation)
Actor(id=0, type=static.vegetation)
Actor(id=0, type=static.vegetation)
Actor(id=0, type=static.vegetation)
Actor(id=0, type=static.vegetation)
Actor(id=0, type=static.vegetation)
Actor(id=0, type=static.vegetation)
Actor(id=0, type=static.vegetation)
Actor(id=55, type=vehicle.nissan.patrol)
Event 0, in line of sight with vehicle.nissan.patrol at distance 1200
Actor(id=55, type=vehicle.nissan.patrol)
Event 1, in line of sight with vehicle.nissan.patrol at distance 1200
Actor(id=55, type=vehicle.nissan.patrol)
Event 2, in line of sight with vehicle.nissan.patrol at distance 1200
Actor(id=55, type=vehicle.nissan.patrol)
Event 3, in line of sight with vehicle.nissan.patrol at distance 1200
Actor(id=55, type=vehicle.nissan.patrol)
Event 4, in line of sight with vehicle.nissan.patrol at distance 1200_
with the 'only_dynamics' flag aren't I suppose to see only vehicles? why Do I have static.vegetation?
If I leave the 'debug_linetrace' flag uncommented the rendering on the client breaks. this is the output on the carla server:
[2019.02.21-19.27.40:351][531]LogCarla: Spawning actor 'sensor.other.obstacle'
[2019.02.21-19.27.40:610][533]LogCarla: Spawning actor 'sensor.camera.rgb'
[2019.02.21-19.27.40:610][533]g.TimeoutForBlockOnRenderFence = "300000"
[2019.02.21-19.27.40:790][535]LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1280x720 Format 10 NumSamples 1 (Frame:38535).
[2019.02.21-19.28.12:798][540]LogTaskGraph: Wa
[2019.02.21-19.28.12:798][540]LogTaskGraph: Warning: Task graph took 277.21ms for RT to recieve broadcast and do processing.
[2019.02.21-19.28.12:798][540]LogTaskGraph: Warning: Task graph took 277.27ms to wait for named thread broadcast.
[2019.02.21-19.28.12:798][540]LogTaskGraph: Warning: Task graph took 277.48ms to broadcast.
rning: Task graph took 277.05ms for RT to recieve broadcast.
I think there is a render method missing so that we can activate the visualization of the debug linetrace.
I think the current implementation is not working properly.
I have created a client classs using this obstacle that I want to use for "line of sight":
I am assuming that specifying the distance as 200 is the "length" of the raycast and hit_radius is the "thickness" of the line.
The results that I am getting are confusing:
Here some output logs:
with the 'only_dynamics' flag aren't I suppose to see only vehicles? why Do I have static.vegetation?
If I leave the 'debug_linetrace' flag uncommented the rendering on the client breaks. this is the output on the carla server:
I think there is a render method missing so that we can activate the visualization of the debug linetrace.
Originally posted by @ignacioalvmar in https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla/issues/1127#issuecomment-466134515