Closed DanielTian90 closed 2 years ago
Please, give more information about which script you are using, which version of CARLA, and a code snippet to reproduce the error. From what I can understand, you're using asynchronous mode. It's recommended to use synchronous mode if you're using the autopilot. If you're using
it means that you need to add the --sync
My script is a combination of and addding spectator function and radar output Carla version: 0.9.11
Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Labs. authors: German Ros ( This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. For a copy, see
"""Example of automatic vehicle control from client side."""
from future import print_function
import argparse import collections import datetime import glob import logging import math import os import random import re import sys import weakref import time try: import pygame from pygame.locals import KMOD_CTRL from pygame.locals import K_ESCAPE from pygame.locals import K_q except ImportError: raise RuntimeError('cannot import pygame, make sure pygame package is installed')
try: sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file))) + '/carla') except IndexError: pass
import carla from carla import ColorConverter as cc
def find_weather_presets(): """Method to find weather presets""" rgx = re.compile('.+?(?:(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])|(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])|$)') def name(x): return ' '.join( for m in rgx.finditer(x)) presets = [x for x in dir(carla.WeatherParameters) if re.match('[A-Z].+', x)] return [(getattr(carla.WeatherParameters, x), name(x)) for x in presets]
class World(object): """ Class representing the surrounding environment """
def init(self, carla_world, hud, args): """Constructor method""" = carla_world try: = except RuntimeError as error: print('RuntimeError: {}'.format(error)) print(' The server could not send the OpenDRIVE (.xodr) file:') print(' Make sure it exists, has the same name of your town, and is correct.') sys.exit(1) self.hud = hud self.player = None self.collision_sensor = None self.lane_invasion_sensor = None self.gnss_sensor = None self.radar_sensor = None self.camera_manager = None self._weather_presets = find_weather_presets() self._weather_index = 0 self._actor_filter = args.filter self._gamma = args.gamma self.restart(args) self.recording_enabled = False self.recording_start = 0
def restart(self, args): """Restart the world"""
cam_index = self.camera_manager.index if self.camera_manager is not None else 0
cam_pos_id = self.camera_manager.transform_index if self.camera_manager is not None else 0
# Set the seed if requested by user
if args.seed is not None:
# Get a random blueprint.
blueprint = random.choice(
blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', 'hero')
if blueprint.has_attribute('color'):
color = random.choice(blueprint.get_attribute('color').recommended_values)
blueprint.set_attribute('color', color)
# Spawn the player.
print("Spawning the player")
if self.player is not None:
spawn_point = self.player.get_transform()
spawn_point.location.z += 2.0
spawn_point.rotation.roll = 0.0
spawn_point.rotation.pitch = 0.0
self.player =, spawn_point)
while self.player is None:
if not
print('There are no spawn points available in your map/town.')
print('Please add some Vehicle Spawn Point to your UE4 scene.')
spawn_points =
spawn_point = random.choice(spawn_points) if spawn_points else carla.Transform()
self.player =, spawn_point)
# Set up the sensors.
self.collision_sensor = CollisionSensor(self.player, self.hud)
self.lane_invasion_sensor = LaneInvasionSensor(self.player, self.hud)
self.gnss_sensor = GnssSensor(self.player)
self.camera_manager = CameraManager(self.player, self.hud, self._gamma)
self.camera_manager.transform_index = cam_pos_id
self.camera_manager.set_sensor(cam_index, notify=False)
actor_type = get_actor_display_name(self.player)
def next_weather(self, reverse=False): """Get next weather setting""" self._weather_index += -1 if reverse else 1 self._weather_index %= len(self._weather_presets) preset = self._weather_presets[self._weather_index] self.hud.notification('Weather: %s' % preset[1]) self.player.get_world().set_weather(preset[0])
def tick(self, clock): """Method for every tick""" self.hud.tick(self, clock)
def render(self, display): """Render world""" self.camera_manager.render(display) self.hud.render(display)
def destroy_sensors(self): """Destroy sensors""" self.camera_manager.sensor.destroy() self.camera_manager.sensor = None self.camera_manager.index = None
def destroy(self): """Destroys all actors""" if self.radar_sensor is not None: self.toggle_radar() actors = [ self.camera_manager.sensor, self.collision_sensor.sensor, self.lane_invasion_sensor.sensor, self.gnss_sensor.sensor, self.player] for actor in actors: if actor is not None: actor.destroy()
def toggle_radar(self): if self.radar_sensor is None: self.radar_sensor = RadarSensor(self.player) elif self.radar_sensor.sensor is not None: self.radar_sensor.sensor.destroy() self.radar_sensor = None
class KeyboardControl(object): def init(self, world): world.hud.notification("Press 'H' or '?' for help.", seconds=4.0)
def parse_events(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: return True if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if self._is_quit_shortcut(event.key): return True
@staticmethod def _is_quit_shortcut(key): """Shortcut for quitting""" return (key == K_ESCAPE) or (key == K_q and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_CTRL)
class HUD(object): """Class for HUD text"""
def init(self, width, height): """Constructor method""" self.dim = (width, height) font = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(), 20) font_name = 'courier' if == 'nt' else 'mono' fonts = [x for x in pygame.font.get_fonts() if font_name in x] default_font = 'ubuntumono' mono = default_font if default_font in fonts else fonts[0] mono = pygame.font.match_font(mono) self._font_mono = pygame.font.Font(mono, 12 if == 'nt' else 14) self._notifications = FadingText(font, (width, 40), (0, height - 40)) = HelpText(pygame.font.Font(mono, 24), width, height) self.server_fps = 0 self.frame = 0 self.simulation_time = 0 self._show_info = True self._info_text = [] self._server_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
def on_world_tick(self, timestamp): """Gets informations from the world at every tick""" self._server_clock.tick() self.server_fps = self._server_clock.get_fps() self.frame = timestamp.frame_count self.simulation_time = timestamp.elapsed_seconds
def tick(self, world, clock): """HUD method for every tick""" self._notifications.tick(world, clock) if not self._show_info: return transform = world.player.get_transform() vel = world.player.get_velocity() control = world.player.get_control() heading = 'N' if abs(transform.rotation.yaw) < 89.5 else '' heading += 'S' if abs(transform.rotation.yaw) > 90.5 else '' heading += 'E' if 179.5 > transform.rotation.yaw > 0.5 else '' heading += 'W' if -0.5 > transform.rotation.yaw > -179.5 else '' colhist = world.collision_sensor.get_collision_history() collision = [colhist[x + self.frame - 200] for x in range(0, 200)] max_col = max(1.0, max(collision)) collision = [x / max_col for x in collision] vehicles ='vehicle.*')
self._info_text = [
'Server: % 16.0f FPS' % self.server_fps,
'Client: % 16.0f FPS' % clock.get_fps(),
'Vehicle: % 20s' % get_actor_display_name(world.player, truncate=20),
'Map: % 20s' %,
'Simulation time: % 12s' % datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(self.simulation_time)),
'Speed: % 15.0f km/h' % (3.6 * math.sqrt(vel.x**2 + vel.y**2 + vel.z**2)),
u'Heading:% 16.0f\N{DEGREE SIGN} % 2s' % (transform.rotation.yaw, heading),
'Location:% 20s' % ('(% 5.1f, % 5.1f)' % (transform.location.x, transform.location.y)),
'GNSS:% 24s' % ('(% 2.6f, % 3.6f)' % (, world.gnss_sensor.lon)),
'Height: % 18.0f m' % transform.location.z,
if isinstance(control, carla.VehicleControl):
self._info_text += [
('Throttle:', control.throttle, 0.0, 1.0),
('Steer:', control.steer, -1.0, 1.0),
('Brake:', control.brake, 0.0, 1.0),
('Reverse:', control.reverse),
('Hand brake:', control.hand_brake),
('Manual:', control.manual_gear_shift),
'Gear: %s' % {-1: 'R', 0: 'N'}.get(control.gear, control.gear)]
elif isinstance(control, carla.WalkerControl):
self._info_text += [
('Speed:', control.speed, 0.0, 5.556),
('Jump:', control.jump)]
self._info_text += [
'Number of vehicles: % 8d' % len(vehicles)]
if len(vehicles) > 1:
self._info_text += ['Nearby vehicles:']
def dist(l):
return math.sqrt((l.x - transform.location.x)**2 + (l.y - transform.location.y)
** 2 + (l.z - transform.location.z)**2)
vehicles = [(dist(x.get_location()), x) for x in vehicles if !=]
for dist, vehicle in sorted(vehicles):
if dist > 200.0:
vehicle_type = get_actor_display_name(vehicle, truncate=22)
self._info_text.append('% 4dm %s' % (dist, vehicle_type))
def toggle_info(self): """Toggle info on or off""" self._show_info = not self._show_info
def notification(self, text, seconds=2.0): """Notification text""" self._notifications.set_text(text, seconds=seconds)
def error(self, text): """Error text""" self._notifications.set_text('Error: %s' % text, (255, 0, 0))
def render(self, display): """Render for HUD class""" if self._show_info: info_surface = pygame.Surface((220, self.dim[1])) info_surface.set_alpha(100) display.blit(info_surface, (0, 0)) v_offset = 4 bar_h_offset = 100 bar_width = 106 for item in self._info_text: if v_offset + 18 > self.dim[1]: break if isinstance(item, list): if len(item) > 1: points = [(x + 8, v_offset + 8 + (1 - y) 30) for x, y in enumerate(item)] pygame.draw.lines(display, (255, 136, 0), False, points, 2) item = None v_offset += 18 elif isinstance(item, tuple): if isinstance(item[1], bool): rect = pygame.Rect((bar_h_offset, v_offset + 8), (6, 6)) pygame.draw.rect(display, (255, 255, 255), rect, 0 if item[1] else 1) else: rect_border = pygame.Rect((bar_h_offset, v_offset + 8), (bar_width, 6)) pygame.draw.rect(display, (255, 255, 255), rect_border, 1) fig = (item[1] - item[2]) / (item[3] - item[2]) if item[2] < 0.0: rect = pygame.Rect( (bar_h_offset + fig (bar_width - 6), v_offset + 8), (6, 6)) else: rect = pygame.Rect((bar_h_offset, v_offset + 8), (fig * bar_width, 6)) pygame.draw.rect(display, (255, 255, 255), rect) item = item[0] if item: # At this point has to be a str. surface = self._font_mono.render(item, True, (255, 255, 255)) display.blit(surface, (8, v_offset)) v_offset += 18 self._notifications.render(display)
class FadingText(object): """ Class for fading text """
def init(self, font, dim, pos): """Constructor method""" self.font = font self.dim = dim self.pos = pos self.seconds_left = 0 self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.dim)
def set_text(self, text, color=(255, 255, 255), seconds=2.0): """Set fading text""" text_texture = self.font.render(text, True, color) self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.dim) self.seconds_left = seconds self.surface.fill((0, 0, 0, 0)) self.surface.blit(text_texture, (10, 11))
def tick(self, _, clock): """Fading text method for every tick""" delta_seconds = 1e-3 clock.get_time() self.seconds_left = max(0.0, self.seconds_left - delta_seconds) self.surface.set_alpha(500.0 self.seconds_left)
def render(self, display): """Render fading text method""" display.blit(self.surface, self.pos)
class HelpText(object): """ Helper class for text render"""
def init(self, font, width, height): """Constructor method""" lines = doc.split('\n') self.font = font self.dim = (680, len(lines) 22 + 12) self.pos = (0.5 width - 0.5 self.dim[0], 0.5 height - 0.5 self.dim[1]) self.seconds_left = 0 self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.dim) self.surface.fill((0, 0, 0, 0)) for i, line in enumerate(lines): text_texture = self.font.render(line, True, (255, 255, 255)) self.surface.blit(text_texture, (22, i 22)) self._render = False self.surface.set_alpha(220)
def toggle(self): """Toggle on or off the render help""" self._render = not self._render
def render(self, display): """Render help text method""" if self._render: display.blit(self.surface, self.pos)
class CollisionSensor(object): """ Class for collision sensors"""
def init(self, parent_actor, hud): """Constructor method""" self.sensor = None self.history = [] self._parent = parent_actor self.hud = hud world = self._parent.get_world() blueprint = world.get_blueprint_library().find('sensor.other.collision') self.sensor = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, carla.Transform(), attach_to=self._parent)
# self to avoid circular reference.
weak_self = weakref.ref(self)
self.sensor.listen(lambda event: CollisionSensor._on_collision(weak_self, event))
def get_collision_history(self): """Gets the history of collisions""" history = collections.defaultdict(int) for frame, intensity in self.history: history[frame] += intensity return history
@staticmethod def _on_collision(weak_self, event): """On collision method""" self = weak_self() if not self: return actor_type = get_actor_display_name(event.other_actor) self.hud.notification('Collision with %r' % actor_type) impulse = event.normal_impulse intensity = math.sqrt(impulse.x 2 + impulse.y 2 + impulse.z ** 2) self.history.append((event.frame, intensity)) if len(self.history) > 4000: self.history.pop(0)
class LaneInvasionSensor(object): """Class for lane invasion sensors"""
def init(self, parent_actor, hud): """Constructor method""" self.sensor = None self._parent = parent_actor self.hud = hud world = self._parent.get_world() bp = world.get_blueprint_library().find('sensor.other.lane_invasion') self.sensor = world.spawn_actor(bp, carla.Transform(), attach_to=self._parent)
# reference.
weak_self = weakref.ref(self)
self.sensor.listen(lambda event: LaneInvasionSensor._on_invasion(weak_self, event))
@staticmethod def _on_invasion(weak_self, event): """On invasion method""" self = weak_self() if not self: return lane_types = set(x.type for x in event.crossed_lane_markings) text = ['%r' % str(x).split()[-1] for x in lane_types] self.hud.notification('Crossed line %s' % ' and '.join(text))
class GnssSensor(object): """ Class for GNSS sensors"""
def init(self, parent_actor): """Constructor method""" self.sensor = None self._parent = parent_actor = 0.0 self.lon = 0.0 world = self._parent.get_world() blueprint = world.get_blueprint_library().find('sensor.other.gnss') self.sensor = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=1.0, z=2.8)), attach_to=self._parent)
# self to avoid circular reference.
weak_self = weakref.ref(self)
self.sensor.listen(lambda event: GnssSensor._on_gnss_event(weak_self, event))
@staticmethod def _on_gnss_event(weak_self, event): """GNSS method""" self = weak_self() if not self: return = event.latitude self.lon = event.longitude
class RadarSensor(object): def init(self, parent_actor): self.sensor = None self._parent = parent_actor self.velocity_range = 7.5 # m/s world = self._parent.get_world() self.debug = world.debug bp = world.get_blueprint_library().find('sensor.other.radar') bp.set_attribute('horizontal_fov', str(140))#35 bp.set_attribute('vertical_fov', str(20)) bp.set_attribute('range', str(100)) self.sensor = world.spawn_actor( bp, carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=2.8, z=0.8), carla.Rotation(pitch=5, yaw=-60)), attach_to=self._parent)
weak_self = weakref.ref(self) self.sensor.listen( lambda radar_data: RadarSensor._Radar_callback(weak_self, radar_data))
@staticmethod def _Radar_callback(weak_self, radar_data): self = weak_self() if not self: return
# points = np.frombuffer(radar_data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype('f4'))
# points = np.reshape(points, (len(radar_data), 4))
current_rot = radar_data.transform.rotation
for detect in radar_data:
azi = math.degrees(detect.azimuth)
alt = math.degrees(detect.altitude)
# The 0.25 adjusts a bit the distance so the dots can
# be properly seen
fw_vec = carla.Vector3D(x=detect.depth - 0.25)
pitch=current_rot.pitch + alt,
yaw=current_rot.yaw + azi,
def clamp(min_v, max_v, value):
return max(min_v, min(value, max_v))
norm_velocity = detect.velocity / self.velocity_range # range [-1, 1]
r = int(clamp(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - norm_velocity) * 255.0)
g = int(clamp(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - abs(norm_velocity)) * 255.0)
b = int(abs(clamp(- 1.0, 0.0, - 1.0 - norm_velocity)) * 255.0)
radar_data.transform.location + fw_vec,
color=carla.Color(r, g, b))
print('Time = {} Num det = {}, range= {}, velocity={}, azi={}, alt={}'.format(time.time(),len(radar_data), detect.depth, detect.velocity, azi, alt))
class CameraManager(object): """ Class for camera management"""
def init(self, parent_actor, hud, gamma_correction): """Constructor method""" self.sensor = None self.surface = None self._parent = parent_actor self.hud = hud self.recording = False bound_y = 0.5 + self._parent.bounding_box.extent.y attachment = carla.AttachmentType self._camera_transforms = [ (carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=-5.5, z=2.5), carla.Rotation(pitch=8.0)), attachment.SpringArm), (carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=1.6, z=1.7)), attachment.Rigid), (carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=5.5, y=1.5, z=1.5)), attachment.SpringArm), (carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=-8.0, z=6.0), carla.Rotation(pitch=6.0)), attachment.SpringArm), (carla.Transform( carla.Location(x=-1, y=-bound_y, z=0.5)), attachment.Rigid)] self.transform_index = 1 self.sensors = [ ['', cc.Raw, 'Camera RGB'], ['', cc.Raw, 'Camera Depth (Raw)'], ['', cc.Depth, 'Camera Depth (Gray Scale)'], ['', cc.LogarithmicDepth, 'Camera Depth (Logarithmic Gray Scale)'], ['', cc.Raw, 'Camera Semantic Segmentation (Raw)'], ['', cc.CityScapesPalette, 'Camera Semantic Segmentation (CityScapes Palette)'], ['sensor.lidar.ray_cast', None, 'Lidar (Ray-Cast)']] world = self._parent.get_world() bp_library = world.get_blueprint_library() for item in self.sensors: blp = bp_library.find(item[0]) if item[0].startswith(''): blp.set_attribute('image_size_x', str(hud.dim[0])) blp.set_attribute('image_size_y', str(hud.dim[1])) if blp.has_attribute('gamma'): blp.set_attribute('gamma', str(gamma_correction)) elif item[0].startswith('sensor.lidar'): blp.set_attribute('range', '50') item.append(blp) self.index = None
def toggle_camera(self): """Activate a camera""" self.transform_index = (self.transform_index + 1) % len(self._camera_transforms) self.set_sensor(self.index, notify=False, force_respawn=True)
def set_sensor(self, index, notify=True, force_respawn=False): """Set a sensor""" index = index % len(self.sensors) needs_respawn = True if self.index is None else ( force_respawn or (self.sensors[index][0] != self.sensors[self.index][0])) if needs_respawn: if self.sensor is not None: self.sensor.destroy() self.surface = None self.sensor = self._parent.get_world().spawn_actor( self.sensors[index][-1], self._camera_transforms[self.transform_index][0], attach_to=self._parent, attachment_type=self._camera_transforms[self.transform_index][1])
# We need to pass the lambda a weak reference to
# self to avoid circular reference.
weak_self = weakref.ref(self)
self.sensor.listen(lambda image: CameraManager._parse_image(weak_self, image))
if notify:
self.index = index
def next_sensor(self): """Get the next sensor""" self.set_sensor(self.index + 1)
def toggle_recording(self): """Toggle recording on or off""" self.recording = not self.recording self.hud.notification('Recording %s' % ('On' if self.recording else 'Off'))
def render(self, display): """Render method""" if self.surface is not None: display.blit(self.surface, (0, 0))
@staticmethod def _parse_image(weak_self, image): self = weak_self() if not self: return if self.sensors[self.index][0].startswith('sensor.lidar'): points = np.frombuffer(image.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype('f4')) points = np.reshape(points, (int(points.shape[0] / 4), 4)) lidar_data = np.array(points[:, :2]) lidar_data = min(self.hud.dim) / 100.0 lidar_data += (0.5 self.hud.dim[0], 0.5 * self.hud.dim[1]) lidar_data = np.fabs(lidar_data) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return lidar_data = lidar_data.astype(np.int32) lidar_data = np.reshape(lidar_data, (-1, 2)) lidar_img_size = (self.hud.dim[0], self.hud.dim[1], 3) lidar_img = np.zeros(lidar_img_size) lidar_img[tuple(lidar_data.T)] = (255, 255, 255) self.surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(lidar_img) else: image.convert(self.sensors[self.index][1]) array = np.frombuffer(image.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8")) array = np.reshape(array, (image.height, image.width, 4)) array = array[:, :, :3] array = array[:, :, ::-1] self.surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(array.swapaxes(0, 1)) if self.recording: image.save_to_disk('_out/%08d' % image.frame)
def game_loop(args): """ Main loop for agent"""
pygame.init() pygame.font.init() world = None tot_target_reached = 0 num_min_waypoints = 21
try: client = carla.Client(, args.port) client.set_timeout(4.0)
display = pygame.display.set_mode(
(args.width, args.height),
pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
hud = HUD(args.width, args.height)
world = World(loadWorld, hud, args)#client.get_world()
controller = KeyboardControl(world)
if args.agent == "Roaming":
agent = RoamingAgent(world.player)
elif args.agent == "Basic":
agent = BasicAgent(world.player)
spawn_point =[0]
agent = BehaviorAgent(world.player, behavior=args.behavior)
spawn_points =
if spawn_points[0].location != agent.vehicle.get_location():
destination = spawn_points[0].location
destination = spawn_points[1].location
agent.set_destination(agent.vehicle.get_location(), destination, clean=True)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
while True:
if controller.parse_events():
# As soon as the server is ready continue!
if not
if args.agent == "Roaming" or args.agent == "Basic":
if controller.parse_events():
# as soon as the server is ready continue!
# spectator = world.get_spectator()
# transform = world.player.get_transform()
# spectator.set_transform(carla.Transform(transform.location + carla.Location(z=20), carla.Rotation(pitch=-90)))
control = agent.run_step()
control.manual_gear_shift = False
spectator =
transform = world.player.get_transform()
spectator.set_transform(carla.Transform(transform.location + carla.Location(z=40), carla.Rotation(pitch=-90, yaw=90)))
# Set new destination when target has been reached
if len(agent.get_local_planner().waypoints_queue) < num_min_waypoints and args.loop:
tot_target_reached += 1
world.hud.notification("The target has been reached " +
str(tot_target_reached) + " times.", seconds=4.0)
elif len(agent.get_local_planner().waypoints_queue) == 0 and not args.loop:
print("Target reached, mission accomplished...")
speed_limit = world.player.get_speed_limit()
control = agent.run_step()
finally: if world is not None: world.destroy()
def main(): """Main method"""
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='CARLA Automatic Control Client') argparser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='debug', help='Print debug information') argparser.add_argument( '--host', metavar='H', default='', help='IP of the host server (default:') argparser.add_argument( '-p', '--port', metavar='P', default=2000, type=int, help='TCP port to listen to (default: 2000)') argparser.add_argument( '--res', metavar='WIDTHxHEIGHT', default='640x360', help='Window resolution (default: 1280x720)') argparser.add_argument( '--filter', metavar='PATTERN', default='vehicle.', help='Actor filter (default: "vehicle.")') argparser.add_argument( '--gamma', default=2.2, type=float, help='Gamma correction of the camera (default: 2.2)') argparser.add_argument( '-l', '--loop', action='store_true', dest='loop', help='Sets a new random destination upon reaching the previous one (default: False)') argparser.add_argument( '-b', '--behavior', type=str, choices=["cautious", "normal", "aggressive"], help='Choose one of the possible agent behaviors (default: normal) ', default='normal') argparser.add_argument("-a", "--agent", type=str, choices=["Behavior", "Roaming", "Basic"], help="select which agent to run", default="Behavior") argparser.add_argument( '-s', '--seed', help='Set seed for repeating executions (default: None)', default=None, type=int)
args = argparser.parse_args()
args.width, args.height = [int(x) for x in args.res.split('x')]
log_level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=log_level)'listening to server %s:%s',, args.port)
try: game_loop(args)
except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nCancelled by user. Bye!')
if name == 'main': main()
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Like the title, while run my code at crossing road with auto mode, car will drive with S line or drive with cycle. So the reason is? GIF size is large, can't uploaded.