carla-simulator / carla

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Generate velodyne like lidar data in lidar #7060

Open hrnbot opened 10 months ago

hrnbot commented 10 months ago

Thanks for contributing to CARLA!

If you are reporting an issue, please use the following outline:

CARLA version: Platform/OS: Windows Problem you have experienced: I want to generate velodyne like results What you expected to happen: i want result dense like below image but it is like this image

Steps to reproduce: Below settings i am using

self.carla_world =
self.carla_bp_lib = self.carla_world.get_blueprint_library() 
self.lidar_obj = self.carla_bp_lib.find("sensor.lidar.ray_cast")

n_channels = 64
h_fov_deg = 360
rotation_rate_ms = 20
role_name = 'ego_lidar'
self.lidar_obj.set_attribute('channels', str(32))
self.lidar_obj.set_attribute('horizontal_fov', str(360))
self.lidar_obj.set_attribute('rotation_frequency', str(500))
self.lidar_obj.set_attribute('range', str(60))
# self.lidar_obj.set_attribute('dropoff_general_rate', '0.1')
# self.lidar_obj.set_attribute('dropoff_intensity_limit', '0.1')
# self.lidar_obj.set_attribute('dropoff_zero_intensity', '0.75')
self.lidar_obj.set_attribute('points_per_second', str(1000000))
self.lidar_obj.set_attribute('upper_fov', str(30))
self.lidar_obj.set_attribute('lower_fov', str(-30))

self.carla_bp_lidar =
# transform=carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=20, z=0.0)),

self.carla_bp_lidar.listen(lambda data: self.show_lidar_data(data))
def show_lidar_data(self,lidar_data):
  # print("lidar_data--",lidar_data.shape)
  # print("Add lidar",self.lidar_queue.qsize())

  image_size = (608, 608)
  image = np.zeros((image_size[0], image_size[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)

  # Define a scale factor to fit the LiDAR data within the image dimensions
  # This will depend on the range of your LiDAR
  scale = min(image_size) / (2.0 * self.range_m)  # Adjust lidar_sensor.range to your LiDAR's range

  # Take the points from the LiDAR data
  # Each point is (x, y, z, intensity)
  points = np.frombuffer(lidar_data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype('f4'))
  points = np.copy(np.reshape(points, (int(points.shape[0] / 4), 4)))  # Make a writable copy

  # Normalize the intensity values to 255
  intensities = (points[:, 3] - min(points[:, 3])) / (max(points[:, 3]) - min(points[:, 3]))
  intensities = (intensities * 255).astype(np.uint8)

  # Transform 3D coordinates to 2D image coordinates
  points[:, :2] *= scale
  points[:, :2] += (0.5 * image_size[0], 0.5 * image_size[1])
  points[:, :2] = np.fabs(points[:, :2])  # Absolute value (mirror the y-axis for visualization)
  points = points.astype(np.int32)

  # Draw the points on the image
  for i in range(points.shape[0]):
  x, y = points[i, :2]
  if 0 <= x < image_size[0] and 0 <= y < image_size[1]:
      image[y, x, :] = intensities[i]

  # Save the image
  # cv2.imwrite('lidar_image.png', image)
  cv2.imshow("Lidar", image)

what i want to do is use pretrained vehicle model on the velodyne data set in simulator or collect dataset for the annotation of the model.

PatrickPromitzer commented 10 months ago

The points_per_second variable is split between all the pointcloud you get in the time frame of 1 second.

rotation_frequency = 500 (default is 10) points_per_second = 1000000 even with a hight rotation_frequency, you still have
rotations_per_second = rotation_frequency

If you set fixed_delta_seconds in the carla setting, it would be calculated like this

Example Points per pointcloud = points_per_second fixed_delta_seconds 100000 = 1000000 0.1 50000 = 1000000 * 0.05

For one line, you have to split them between each channel Example point amount in a row = (points_per_second fixed_delta_seconds) / channels 3125 = (1000000 0.1) / 32 1562,5 = (1000000 * 0.05) / 32

To increase the density of the points, you have to increase the rotations_per_second rotation_frequency = 10 points_per_second = 100,000,000

Points per pointcloud = points_per_second fixed_delta_seconds 10,000,000= 100,000,000 0.1 point amount in a row = (points_per_second fixed_delta_seconds) / channels 312,500 = (100,000,000 0.1) / 32

hrnbot commented 10 months ago

How to set the fixed_delta seconds and the problem i am getting is that i am only receiving 10% of the part of the lidar when frequency set to low.

Is there any way to resolve that?

PatrickPromitzer commented 10 months ago

This is the code to set the fixed_delta_seconds.

fixed_delta_seconds = 0.1

client = carla.Client(server_address, server_port) 
world = client.load_world(self.map_parameters.carla_map_path)
settings = world.get_settings()
settings.fixed_delta_seconds = fixed_delta_seconds  # do not decrease below 0.1 !!

With that, you always have 0.1 seconds (simulation seconds) between each time you get lidar (sensor) data from Carla.

Edit: I forgot to remove one "self."

Blyron commented 7 months ago

Hello! Are you happy to close this issue?

hrnbot commented 7 months ago

Not got satisfactory answer...

Blyron commented 7 months ago

Okay, we will look into this