carla-simulator / carla

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Corrected information that Sensor.is_listening is (currently) a method #7439

Closed Daraan closed 1 day ago

Daraan commented 1 month ago


carla.Sensor.is_listening is defined twice (since #6013) the <0.9.14 property is overwritten with a method; can also be seen in the Docs

This PR removes the overwritten property and updates the doc, keeping the 0.9.14+ method version in tact.

Where has this been tested?

Possible Drawbacks


Future work, make it a property again?

I at least would prefer function names like is_listening as a property. On one side, it would break the current 0.9.14/15 compatibility, on the other it would restore the one from <0.9.13 which still is found in code more often. So we might want to shift the three Sensor.is_... functions to a property.

This change is Reviewable

update-docs[bot] commented 1 month ago

Thanks for opening this pull request! The maintainers of this repository would appreciate it if you would update our based on your changes.