carla-simulator / carla

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Distortion in Point Cloud from RGBD images #7491

Open DaniCarias opened 5 months ago

DaniCarias commented 5 months ago

Hello, I'm trying to create the ground truth (in Point Cloud) of the Carla map from RGBD images using Open3d. I needed 3 cameras to get the 360º because Carla has this issue #612 in FOVs bigger than 180º. I'm getting three Point Clouds from three RGBD images with FOV of 120º each (120+120+120 = 360), with different rotations (steps of 120º), and then I concatenate the three Point Clouds to create a 360º Point Cloud. First I eliminate the distortion in the RGB and Depth images, putting 0 in "lens_k", and 0 in "lens_kcube", based on issue, so the output image does not have any distortion but at the same time have the distortion close the sensor source.

One Point Cloud from one RGBD: 1_pointcloud

Distortion on the curve to the camera source: distorcao_curva_cima

Distortion on the curve (up) to the camera source: distorcao_curva_para_cima zoom_curva

Distortion on the curve (up) to the camera source, in 360º Point Cloud: distortion_curve_360

I would appreciate some help resolving this distortion to create a method to get the ground truth.

DaniCarias commented 5 months ago

Hi @MarcelPiNacy , Yes, I spawn RGB and Depth cameras in the same spot with rotation, the code:

# Depth & RGB - 1
        camera_transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.9, z=2.5))
        camera_depth1 = spawn_cameras('', world, blueprint_library, vehicle, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, camera_transform)
        camera_rgb1 = spawn_cameras('', world, blueprint_library, vehicle, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, camera_transform)
        actor_list.append([camera_depth1, camera_rgb1])
        print(f"Camera Depth1: {camera_depth1} | Camera RGB1: {camera_rgb1}")

# Depth & RGB - 2
        rotation120 = carla.Rotation(yaw=120.0)
        camera_transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.9, z=2.5), rotation120)
        camera_depth2 = spawn_cameras('', world, blueprint_library, vehicle, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, camera_transform)
        camera_rgb2 = spawn_cameras('', world, blueprint_library, vehicle, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, camera_transform)
        actor_list.append([camera_depth2, camera_rgb2])
        print(f"Camera Depth2: {camera_depth2} | Camera RGB2: {camera_rgb2}")

# Depth & RGB - 3
        rotation240 = carla.Rotation(yaw=240.0)
        camera_transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.9, z=2.5), rotation240)
        camera_depth3 = spawn_cameras('', world, blueprint_library, vehicle, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, camera_transform)
        camera_rgb3 = spawn_cameras('', world, blueprint_library, vehicle, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, camera_transform)
        actor_list.append([camera_depth3, camera_rgb3])
        print(f"Camera Depth3: {camera_depth3} | Camera RGB2: {camera_rgb3}")

The spawn_cameras function:

def spawn_cameras(camera, world, blueprint_library, vehicle, img_width, img_height, camera_transform):
    camera_bp = blueprint_library.find(camera)

    camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_x', f"{img_width}")
    camera_bp.set_attribute('image_size_y', f"{img_height}")

    camera_bp.set_attribute('fov', f"{120}")
    camera_bp.set_attribute('lens_k', f"{0}")               # Remove distortion
    camera_bp.set_attribute('lens_kcube', f"{0}")           # Remove distortion
    camera_bp.set_attribute('lens_circle_falloff', f"{0}")

    camera = world.spawn_actor(camera_bp, camera_transform, attach_to=vehicle)
    return camera

Thanks for your attention, Daniel

DaniCarias commented 5 months ago

I forgot to mention that the intrinsic matrix is based on this issue for transforming into a point cloud.

DaniCarias commented 5 months ago

Hi, sorry for the delay but thanks, I'll give you feedback on it.

DaniCarias commented 5 months ago

Hi, Are these Perspective Matrixes, from the link of UE, intrinsic matrixes?

Can you tell me where the documentation for the "PerspectiveMatrix.h" and their params is?

Because I'm using the create_point_cloud_from_rgbd_image method from the Open3d library and only accept the intrinsic camera matrix like this: image Like I'm using from this issue:

focal_length = imgSizeX / (2 * mt.tan(fov * mt.pi / 360))
centerX = imgSizeX / 2
centerY = imgSizeY / 2

intrinsic_matrix = [[focal_length, 0, centerX],
                                  [0, focal_length, centerY],
                                  [0, 0, 1]]

Using this way I get the point cloud right but only with distortion on the center (source of the RGBD image, where the camera is). So I think the intrinsic matrix I'm using is right... But I don't understand why the PCL has the distortion only in the center.

PabloVD commented 5 months ago

Hello @DaniCarias , Are you using the same values for img_width and img_height? In your last response you made use of focal_length for fx and fy, which should be different if the width and the height have different values.

DaniCarias commented 5 months ago

Hi @PabloVD, Thanks too for helping me... yes you are right, I'm using different values for img_width (1280 px) and img_height (720 px)...

I just changed the code to:

focal_lengthX = imgSizeX / (2 * mt.tan(fov * mt.pi / 360))
focal_lengthY = imgSizeY / (2 * mt.tan(fov * mt.pi / 360))
centerX = imgSizeX / 2
centerY = imgSizeY / 2

intrinsic_matrix = [[focal_lengthX, 0, centerX],
                    [0, focal_lengthY, centerY],
                    [0, 0, 1]]

But I get the same point clouds with the same distortion. image

PabloVD commented 5 months ago

I'm not sure what the open3d routine is doing under the hood, but (as is also stated here) you could convert a 2D point p2d = [u,v,1] to the 3d world position asP = ( inv(K) * p2d ) * depth, where K is the intrinsic matrix. Have you tried directly doing that to ensure that it is not a problem on how the open3d routine deals with the intrinsic matrix?

DaniCarias commented 5 months ago

Yes I don't know what open3d routine is doing under the hood too, but I remade the code based on that issue. If I made any mistake please tell me.

# Intrinsics of the camera
focal_lengthX = imgSizeX / (2 * mt.tan(fov * mt.pi / 360))
focal_lengthY = imgSizeY / (2 * mt.tan(fov * mt.pi / 360))
centerX = imgSizeX / 2
centerY = imgSizeY / 2

intrinsic_matrix = [[focal_lengthX, 0, centerX],
                    [0, focal_lengthY, centerY],
                    [0, 0, 1]]

intrinsic_matrix_inv = np.linalg.inv(intrinsic_matrix)

depth_img = cv2.imread(depth_path_0, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

points_3d = []

for v in range(imgSizeY):
    for u in range(imgSizeX):
        # Depth of the point
        depth = depth_img[v, u]

        p2d = np.array([u, v, 1])

        # Get the 3D point
        P =, p2d) * depth

# Create a point cloud from array
point_cloud = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
point_cloud.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(points_3d))

# Visualize

But I get the same distortion: image


So I assume that the problem is not the open3d method.

DaniCarias commented 4 months ago

I tried with a FOV of 60º with 6 RGBD images to make the 360º and I got this result:

Screenshot from 2024-05-02 16-40-54 (1)

Untitled (12)

The distortion is less but exists... My goal is to get the ground truth of the map, is someone with some idea how to get it in another way?