carletes / libcloud-vagrant

Apache Libcloud compute provider for local Vagrant boxes
MIT License
24 stars 3 forks source link

Curious about this project. #2

Open howardroark opened 9 years ago

howardroark commented 9 years ago

Hey! I am very curious about this project and am trying to understand it's practical use case. Personally I'd love a Vagrant plugin that made use of libcloud to have remote vagrant boxes which were cloud provider agnostic. Being able to have a remote "box" in your Vargrantfile that was normalized would be great!

Is that along the lines of the intent of this project?


ptzianos commented 7 years ago

Hello. I am also interested about this project. In my case we will be providing users the ability to create docker containers or vagrant boxes in order to deploy small applications. For the docker part I have already proposed that we use libcloud and it would be nice to also use it for driving vagrant, in order to reduce the moving parts and simplify the backend. So, I wanted to ask how come this project is not part of the core libcloud yet? Is it not stable enough yet? Has the libcloud team refused to add support for vagrant?

GhostofGoes commented 7 years ago

I'm pretty sure it's dead. I'm considering forking it and cleaning it up to the point where Vagrant support could be pulled into libcloud itself.

carletes commented 7 years ago

@GhostofGoes: I'm not working any more on this project. If you want to carry on with it, I'm happy to transfer it to you.