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Change snipmate to ultisnips #528

Open kebot opened 11 years ago

kebot commented 11 years ago

Change to:

Updated snipmate-snippets reference to vim-snippets

Says the snipmate-snippets has change it's name because it support a better snipmate engine called ultisnips.

After install and disable snipmate, I found it more powerful.

IMPORTANT: comment on: What about merging whith Ultisnip using its engine status: snipmate-snippet files are read by Ultisnip flawlessly. See snipmate-snippets readme about how to configure and use Ultisnips as alternative That branch also supports completion menu now Thus there is only one reason left to keep using snipmate from my point of view: not having python support. In other words: upstream of snipmate is almost dead. (Better to say Marc Weber is not going to fix any bugs anymore)


The snipmate project also suggest change to ultisnips.

FunTimeCoding commented 11 years ago


Have you figured out how to do that manually yet?

FunTimeCoding commented 11 years ago

I made it work this way: .vimrc.before: call janus#disable_plugin('snipmate') call janus#disable_plugin('supertab') call janus#disable_plugin('vim-snippets')

.vimrc.after: let g:UltiSnipsSnippetsDir = '~/.dotfiles/vim/snippets'

..but it wont work for all languages yet, because there are certain overrides in other vim plugins - I guess html and markdown are affected.

kebot commented 11 years ago


disable vim-snipmate in your ~/.vimrc.before and clone ultisnips in ~/.janus

call janus#disable_plugin('vim-snipmate')
kebot commented 11 years ago

The syntax of ultisnips and vim-snipmate is different.

the SirVer's project is more stable than MarcWeber's fork, you can try this and define your snippets in ultisnips' syntax

simonweil commented 10 years ago

:+1: for

dd1994 commented 10 years ago

+1, ultisnips is better.

trodrigues commented 9 years ago

Issue #603 might be relevant here.