Open kebot opened 11 years ago
Have you figured out how to do that manually yet?
I made it work this way: .vimrc.before: call janus#disable_plugin('snipmate') call janus#disable_plugin('supertab') call janus#disable_plugin('vim-snippets')
.vimrc.after: let g:UltiSnipsSnippetsDir = '~/.dotfiles/vim/snippets'
..but it wont work for all languages yet, because there are certain overrides in other vim plugins - I guess html and markdown are affected.
disable vim-snipmate in your ~/.vimrc.before and clone ultisnips in ~/.janus
call janus#disable_plugin('vim-snipmate')
The syntax of ultisnips and vim-snipmate is different.
the SirVer's project is more stable than MarcWeber's fork, you can try this and define your snippets in ultisnips' syntax
:+1: for
+1, ultisnips is better.
Issue #603 might be relevant here.
Change to:
Updated snipmate-snippets reference to vim-snippets
Says the snipmate-snippets has change it's name because it support a better snipmate engine called ultisnips.
After install and disable snipmate, I found it more powerful.
The snipmate project also suggest change to ultisnips.